MTG: We’ve Got Those Time Spiral Spoiler Blues

We’re feeling blue tonight, and that’s because we’ve got a mega drop of new blue spoilers for Time Spiral Remastered. 49 cards, right here!
Alright folks it’s Friday night, the feeling is right, and that can mean just one thing–it’s time to spend the rest of your evening poring through the latest spoilers from the upcoming Time Spiral Remastered. Whether you’re trying to put together a deck, or wondering if your favorite combo from ages past is going to be viable in the new format, we’ve got you covered with all the latest and greatest right here.
And tonight we’re going through 49 different cards. So strap in and let’s get started.
Blue is the big theme of tonight, which means you’ll see a lot of counters, a lot of control, and as we’ll see in a moment, cards that suspend time itself.
Control players are going to be extremely happy with this new set. I can already taste the game ending only on turn 15 and I’ve managed to successfully play like three cards and deal a total of 5 damage.
There is a lot of power in this new set, as well as a number of fiddly combos that I will throw away the entire game trying to pull off–that Laboratory Maniac is going to lose me so many games, but, it is going to feel so good when I mill myself to victory.
But even when it’s Blue’s day, White will have its say with a few others from yesterday’s big drop that got swept up in the hype. Still, Pact of Negation is going to be fun.
But while control is blue’s whole jam, there’s a lot of aggressive blue in here too. Look at the suspend cards they’ve got to play with:
Suspend is big in this set, and there are plenty of ways to mess with it. Imagine getting a 4/4 flyer in the early game. You can really ramp with Blue, it feels like.
A lot of powerhouses for Blue are seeing some new love here. Remand is going to be devastating.
Commander is going to be extremely interesting when you pull from this set too.
And of course some classic timey-wimey cards to let you really bask in the spiral.
I don’t know what it means to bask in the spiral, but I’m pretty sure it involves Pongify. And anything involving Pongify is okay in my book.
The whole set looks fantastic. Including ancestral vision, a riff of ancestral recall–one of several classics you’ll see ‘remastered’ in this set.
Do these Time Spiral Remastered Spoilers help chase away your blues?