This Week’s Slaanesh & Daughters of Khaine Products & Pricing CONFIRMED
3 Minute Read
Feb 15 2021

We are back with GW’s latest weekly releases and boxed sets headed your way this weekend. Here comes Slaanesh!
This week we return to the Mortal Realms with these sets and accessories.
All these items are up for pre-order now. Street date is February 20th.
White Dwarf
White Dwarf 491 $9
Age of Sigmar
Battletome Hedonites of Slaanesh $40
Glutos Orscollion Lord of Gluttony $115
Blissbarb Archers $50
Sigvald – Prince of Slaanesh $55
Blissbarb Seekers / Slickblade Seekers $65
Lord of Pain $30
Shardseeker of Slaanesh $30
Slaangor Fiendbloods $50
Myrmidesh Painbringers / Symbaresh Twinsouls $60
Warscrolls: Hedonites of Slaanesh $25
Dice: Hedonites of Slaanesh $35
Battletome Daughters of Khaine $40
Endless Spells Daughters of Khaine $35
Dice: Daughters of Khaine $35
Black Library
Stormvault €22 (hardback)
Realmquest: Fortress of Ghosts €8 (paperback)
Plague of the Nurglings €8 (paperback)
~What are you picking up?

Author: Larry Vela
Age of Sigmar
AoS Grand Alliance of Chaos
AoS Grand Alliance of Order
Games Workshop
Tabletop News