Warhammer Next Week: Slaanesh’s Chosen Champions Slither In

Next week from GW, it’s all about Slaanesh with a release of a swath of the mortal followers of the Dark Prince. Check out what’s new in 2021 for AoS.
Fans of all things soft, slithery, and distressingly fleshy have a lot to look forward to this week, as the Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh slides into the DMs of us all, bringing with it a whole slew of new minis. It’s the first new Battletome of 2021 for the Age of Sigmar, and though it distresses me greatly to use the words ‘Slaanesh’ and ‘release’ in the same sentence, here are the latest releases for the Hedonites of Slaanesh.
via Warhammer Community
In Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh, your deepest desires for lore, warscrolls, and much more will surely be sated across 128 pages saturated with sumptuous artwork and tales of delightful revelry. For the truly indulgent among you, a limited edition version is also available, featuring a soft-touch cover, gilt page edges, and a ribbon marker. Be warned, though, only 560 individually numbered copies will be available, so be ready to pre-order yours as soon as they go live.
Alongside the new battletome is a horde of new models that will make your Hedonites a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. You’ll have powerful elite units like the Lords of Pain, who are champions of Slaanesh:
And the Shardspeakers, whose relic mirrors let them reach across the table with Slaanesh’s power from relative safety.
Protecting these forces are the elite warrior-cults of the Hedonites. You’ve got the graceful Myrmidesh Painbringers, with sword and shield, who will help you hold that crucial objective.
Or if you want to have a truly hard-hitting unit, try the Symbaresh Twinsouls who share their bodies with lesser demons for maximum chaos.
Hewing down your enemies at range, you’ve got the Blissbarb archers, whose poison-tipped arrows will hamper even the most stalwart advance.
Or, put ’em on a steed of Slaanesh and you’ll get some Blissbarb Seekers, who can outflank your enemies.
If you want a good cavalry charge, though, you’ll want the Slickblade Seekers, whose glaives will cut a path for the rest of your army.
If you’d rather get a little beastly on the tabletop, the Slaangor Fiendbloods are here with daemonette claws, bondage masks, and thigh-highs on their hooved legs.
Of course if you want a true powerhouse, you’ll want to get your hands on Sigvald the Magnificent, the deadliest swordsman in the Mortal Realms.
Or if you’d rather chortle about your treasure bath and order more smearing chocolate, Hedonism Bot Glutos Orscollion is here to lead the Hedonites to a new party.
Of course, Slaanesh isn’t the only thing getting released next week. The Daughters of Khaine have a new Battletome, updated from the events of Broken Realms: Morathi.
Inside you’ll find updated rules and stats for your Daughters of Khaine, but you’ll also get some brand new Endless Spells:
All this, next week!