Age of Sigmar: Broken Realms Teclis Or Battletome Lumineth Realm-lords

Lumineth Realm-lords players are spoiled for choice – which book should you get? Broken Realms: Teclis or Battletome Lumineth Realm-lords?
We got our hands on both books and went over them to figure out which would be the right fit for a new or veteran Lumineth Player.
Which Book For You?
Alright – let’s set this scenario up: You were on the Lumineth Hype Train when they came out. You picked up an army and have there current battletome. You’ve been itching to play them and saw all their new toys and want to add them to your army. Good news – if you have the current LRL Book, you can get Broken Realms: Teclis and you’re good. All the same rules still apply and Teclis has all the new stuff.
The Limited Edition 2020 version – if you have this or the standard 2020 Battletome, Broken Realms: Teclis is for you.
Are you completely new to Lumineth? Did the new models catch your eye and you want to rock your opponents like a Hurakan? Then you just need to snag a copy of their new Battletome. It’s got everything you need and it’s all in one spot.
…But do I Need Both?
There are some important things happening in Broken Realms: Teclis. On top of the massive rules update for the Lumineth, there are rules for Nurgle Daemons, Cities of Sigmar, and Ossiarch Bonereapers. There is also a TON of big and important lore happenings. 60+ pages worth. The story is epic and it’s going to impact the game in ways we probably don’t know yet. There are lots of key players that show up from across the Mortal Realms and without getting into too many spoilers, things end on a high note for fans of Order.
If you’re collecting the Broken Realms books, you were probably going to pick this one up, too. However, if you play Nurgle Daemons, Cities of Sigmar, and/or Ossiarch Bonereapers, this book is also worth a look. And if you’re a lore junkie, you should pick this book up as well because of the implications it has for the future of Age of Sigmar. The LRL kicked some major butt and made some BIG moves. They busted up Death pretty good and Nagash will not be pleased.
“I’ll get you next time, Teclis!”
If you have to pick just one, it’s a pretty simple choice:
- Do you have the 2020 book, just want the rules, and/or want to read the lore? Grab Broken Realms: Teclis.
- Do you not care about the lore (as much) and want all the rules in one place? Grab the 2021 Battletome.
Or if you want to make the choice even simplier:
- Do you want to carry one or two books around?
The good news is that the rules are virtually identical for both. There are some slight formatting difference, but all the warscrolls are the same. BR: Teclis does have a boat load of battleplans you can also use for games, specifically if you wanted to play through the Campaign/Story. So there is that – but I stand by the question flow above. If you’re still completely undecided or unsure, just get the Battletome and you’re all set.
For clarification, there is still lore in the Battletome, it just doesn’t go over the events in the same detail as Broken Realms: Teclis.