Candlekeep Reveals & Fey Races, 40K’s Be’Lakor Need Help, Mando’s Life Sized Razorcrest

D&D’s Candlekeep is spilling into the web, alongside new Fey Folk race options. Then we look at 40K’s Be’Lakor, and a life-sized Razorcrest and Super Smash Brothers Cosplay!
D&D: So You’re In Trouble With The Law – 5 Ways To Escape
Look it was bound to happen. You picked one too many NPC pockets and now the long arm of the law is reaching for you. Here’s how to escape.
Star Wars: The Galaxy’s Most Iconic Blasters
While there are countless blasters, some of them have that iconic look that are impossible to mistake for anything aside from the galaxy far far away.
Star Wars: These Insane Cosplayers Just Built A Life Size Razor Crest From The Mandalorian
This is the way.
D&D: Four New Fey Folk Race Options In Unearthed Arcana
Unearthed Arcana is back with four different ways for players to play folk from the Feywild, take a look at the future of the Feywild right here.
Cosplay: The Women of Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros
It’s International Women’s Day this week, so let’s check out the hardest hitting cosplays from the Women of Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros!
Warhammer 40K: Be’lakor Needs A Grimdark Buff
The First Daemon Prince is getting an amazing new model and we’re sure hoping he’s getting some fancy new rules in 40k to match!
Star Wars: The Millennium Falcon Breakdown
Let’s take a look at the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy, the only ship to make the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs, the Millennium Falcon.
D&D: Candlekeep Mysteries Table of Contents
Candlekeep Mysteries is set to release on Tuesday, March 16th, but the table of contents has already found its way to the web. Check it out.