Darth Vader Gets a Steampunk Make Over

Samurai aesthetic isn’t the only thing that works well with the armor of the Empire – this detailed steampunk Darth Vader statue looks fantastic.
Steampunk works really well for Vader’s armor with its style and the sounds it produces. This statue replaces the bank of control buttons with gauges, gears, and a bank of liquid-filled controls. It incorporates goggles, brass accents, and more riveted metal pieces to Vader’s armor without totally changing it. It comes with a modified lightsaber with its signature red blade and a themed base with old-school grates and tubes/wiring.
The statue is packaged with a print of “Industrial Empire” (seen below) that’s perfect for displaying anywhere.
Artist Series Darth Vader Industrial Empire – ~ $233
- Fully sculpted
- Approximately 12.5″ tall (1/7 scale)
- Includes lightsaber and themed base
- It’s set for release this September