D&D: Playtest The “Advanced” 5th Edition Wizard – Level Up

Powerful magic and arcane lore are at the heart of the new “Advanced 5th Edition” Wizard. Come take a look at the latest from Level Up.
It’s a magical new world for the Wizard in Level Up, the “Advanced 5th Edition” ruleset. This is one of the most iconic classes in 5th Edition, and today we’re taking a look at what’s different for these masters of all things Arcane. Come and take a look at “advanced” magic and arcana as we see what’s changed for wizards in Level Up!
via Level Up
Welcome to the 11th Level Up playtest document. This playtest contains a candidate for the first 10 levels of the game’s wizard class.This is a playtest document. We’d love you to try out the rules presented here, and then answer the follow-up survey in a few days.
The Wizard is about as iconic as it gets. Also, for all their complexity, they’re one of the most straightforward classes out there. Sure they have more options compared to the lowly fighter, but all of those options are “cast a spell.” And sure enough, the same is mostly true for wizards in Level Up. All the usual wizarding world features are there–arcane recovery and ritual casting make their expected 1st level debuts.
But what makes these wizards “advanced” are some of the new tricks. And it’s not just the Exploration Knacks, though these are still present, and they present some interesting options such as being able to cast a custom detect magic that can penetrate most barriers or that lasts for a long while, or veing able to use History to get information from the GM, or my personal favorite ‘Presto Prestidigitation‘ which transforms prestidigitation into a sort of always-on effect with some handy new options for exploring dungeons:
- Transmute a piece of string into a 30-foot rope for a minute
- Use a coin to gain darkvision out to 30 feet for a minute
- See through a pebble as long as it’s within 10 feet
- Instantly copy writings or markings or drawings that you come across
But where the wizard truly shines is in the mid-levels when they gain access to Signature Spells.
At 5th Level you gain the ability to cast a signature spell, that is mastery of a single 1st level spell that you’ve honed to the point where you can cast it without expending too much effort. You can cast it at its lowest level without expending a spell slot, as long as it’s prepared. Meaning you can take Shield and just always have it.
At 9th level, you can increase your Signature spell up to a 2nd level spell, and presumably at higher levels you’ll have access to more.
And at 7th level, you’ll gain Spell Study, which lets you customize your character a little further by specifying what they’ve developed. Here are two of the options:
Finally at 9th level you gain a Wizard Flair which is an extra magical effect that you can tack on when casting spells to represent the power of your magic leveling up along with you. You gain your Intelligence modifier in uses, and have the option to try effects like adding on a charm effect to spells you cast, or making your spells deafen or blind creatures for a round.
All in all, the direction the new class is headed looks exciting! Check it out for yourself below:
Download the Adept Playtest Today
Happy Adventuring!