Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Groundpounding for Grandfather Nurgle!

Goatboy here and I got a Warhammer 40k Death Guard list idea that might have some sickly, Nurgle legs.
The Plague Company the Inexorable seems like one of the weaker options. I think its Contagion is pretty good as it “always” works and activates for your entire army – just if something is close enough to it. It is that last bit that feels somewhat hard to do but if you set up your army right I think it could be a very annoying turn 2-3 army that just pumps out a lot of damage and holds onto objectives for awhile.
Oh and it is a Death Guard Army without Blightlord Terminators and lays mostly Plague Marines! That’s right – the things I think that are the best in the army I end up not taking in this hot mess of a basic Death Guard army. With that in mind – let’s get to cracking with the army list.
***Goatboy Armylist Warning – there is a lot of copy and paste in here because… I wanted to play a lot of Plague Marines***
Goatboy’s Rusty Cuz its Dirty Boyz! Version 1
Death Guard Battalion – 0CP
Plague Company – The Inexorable
Death Guard Daemon Prince – Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Arch Contaminator, Helforged Sword, Psychic – Gift of Plagues – 150pts
Malignant Plaguecaster – Psychic – Curse of the Leper, Plague Wind – 95pts
Foul Blightspawn – Warlord – Ferric Blight, Relic – Revolting Stench-Vats – 75pts
Plague Surgeon – Relic (-1CP) – Fugaris Helm
Tallyman – Relic (-1CP) – Tollkeeper
Plague Marines X 5 – Bolter/Plague Knife, Icon of Despair, Sigil of Decay – 125pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Bolter/Plague Knife, Icon of Despair, Sigil of Decay – 125pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Bolter/Plague Knife, Icon of Despair, Sigil of Decay – 125pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Bolter/Plague Knife, Icon of Despair, Sigil of Decay – 125pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Bolter/Plague Knife, Icon of Despair, Sigil of Decay – 125pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Bolter/Plague Knife, Icon of Despair, Sigil of Decay – 125pts
Myphitic Blight Haulers X 3 – 420pts
-Dedicated Transports-
Chaos Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2, Havoc Launcher – 90pts
Chaos Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2, Havoc Launcher – 90pts
Chaos Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2, Havoc Launcher – 90pts
Chaos Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2, Havoc Launcher – 90pts
Pts: 1995 CP: +8
Death Guard Walkers
So the idea here is you have the waves of Rhinos that can move up, dump out some Plague Marines/Characters, move faster, and then spread that contagion with a few spells/stratagems. Then the entire army gets an extra -AP plus with all the weird stakes of Tollkeeper (extra hit on 6’s), auto wounding on rolling a 6 to hit, and being able to throw out some Mortal wound as well you get an army that is just annoying to deal with. The 3 Haulers are there because you do need some powerful shooting option as well. Plus they are just a big fat unit that is hard to remove and can be a good target for things like While We Fight we Stand.
You could shift some things around if needed – go look for some Chaos Spawn to help hold things or just go as cheap as you can for all the characters. I am not sure if the Plague Surgeon is going to be amazing or not but thought – why the heck not. Plus – this army is all Plague Marines and no zombies. I am hoping to get to try it at some point as I got it all painted right now. The idea of raining some bolter hell on things just seems too rip not to try.
All Hail the XIVth!