Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K – I Love Thicc Space Marines

Goatboy here again and somehow I have become enamored with the Heavy Intercessor. Here’s what I have in mind.
I don’t know what it is with these guys – I got 5 to paint from BoLS and found the model kinda neat. It is a super thick bootied marine who throws around a giant bolter of damage. So much to like in that sentence and of course, it is a pain in the butt to get them – well until May hopefully. This doesn’t mean I won’t throw around building out a list with them.
With the ability for these guys to be a TROOPS choice you can set up a Marine army where everyone has at least 3 wounds. Think about that – a Marine army with a ton of 3 wound jerks that cost almost half the cost of a Custodes – with probably more damage potential. This is pretty nutty when you start to look at the stats. So many guys on the table, decent saves, and a whole lot of wounds. Also – it is pretty gnarly to heal up a 3 wound model by an Apothecary – makes taking the upgrade probably worth it.
With that – let’s begin. I really think White Scars are one of the more terrifying marine armies in that they can just work in all phases of the game – and are always moving their movement +d6 means they can always do something. That seems to be important as I set this list to always be moving, shooting, and punching their way to victory.
With that – let’s throw a list down and see what you think.
Goatboy’s Thicc Marines
Space Marines Battalion – 0CP
Chapter – White Scars
Khan – 110pts
Primaris Chaplain on a Bike – Master of Sanctity, Warlord – Wise Orator, Litany – Canticle of Hate – 140pts
Primaris Lieutenant – Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Rites of War – 75pts
Bladeguard Ancient – Relic – Banner of the Eagle – 85pts
Primaris Apothecary – Relic – The Vox Espiritum, Chief Apothecary – 95pts
Bladeguard Veteran Squad X 6 – 210pts
Bladeguard Veteran Squad X 6 – 210pts
Bladeguard Veteran Squad X 6 – 210pts
Heavy Intercessor X 10 – Hellstorm Bolt Rifle X 10 – 280pts
Heavy Intercessor X 10 – Hellstorm Bolt Rifle X 10 – 280pts
Heavy Intercessor X 10 – Hellstorm Bolt Rifle X 10 – 280pts
PTs: 1975 CP: +10
Thicc Tactics
As you can see there is a lot of bodies on the table – and all have over 3 wounds each. They are coming for you, probably made cuz you took their last Tostino’s pizza from the freezer, and are going to make you pay. They were saving that one for game night and you ruined it. It is just a lot of bodies on the tabletop that move, shoot, and when they hit turn 3 go crazy.
I am hoping to get more Heavy Intercessors either locally or when May comes along. The worse thing in all of this is I can’t really play it for an event I hopefully get to do end of April – but maybe will see if I can get something set up. I know I can do this as a dual Patrol if I wanted to – but then I lose one Elite choice. Or I go Patrol then Elite Detachment to save me on getting all those Thicc guys on the tabletop.
~For the Emperor!