Goatboy’s Warhammer 40k: It’s Time to Restart (and re-learn) 9th Edition!

Goatboy here – and I haven’t played a game of 9th Edition in months. Events are coming soon, so it’s time to relearn how to play!
I have a decent hold of the rules – but that actual gameplay in and out I need to refresh myself on. Why you might ask? Well I plan on playing in two events in the next month or so – which means I need to relearn how to play.
For those who are planning on having kids let me give you some advice – the game will get harder for you. It just will as your head is normally filled with the desire for more sleep, more time, and well – just parental nonsense. This means a lot of the little tweaks and harder interactions for armies will most likely be very hard to keep on top of. Heck – it is why I specifically design my lists as well as my cheat sheets for as low an amount of true decision-making as I can have. I just don’t have the mental capacity for some kind of multi-layered, heavy interaction, and rules-full army.
What does this mean? Well, it means I need to find an army I can easily figure out, get the hang of in a couple weeks, and look good on the tabletop. As much as I like to be a winner on the battlefield – my armies have to at least look somewhat decent. The other big thing in all of this is at the same time as I have to learn my list I need to help my friend learn his list as well.
We both have gotten our full 5G upgrades and are both planning on going to the same event. This is great as he is one of my best friends in town and part of the big push to get back to playing. This has been a very hard year for me mentally and thankfully I had a wonderful family to let me bounce my need for extroverted communication as well everyone I could talk to online. It’s these things that let me function in my own crazy Goatboy way.
What Should a Goat Play?
But enough of that – let’s talk about some lists I might want to play. First, we know it has to be painted and most likely fully done as I got a ton of client work to deal with so deciding on something new to paint is not a mountain I want to climb. This leaves me with a few things – that could be fun.
Something Chaos Space Marine? We all know I love Chaos Space Marines and while the book is criminally not updated it still has some good stuff. The auras still work on non Core, it has a ton of powerful interactions with Daemons, and while not having all the extra wounds it does have some kick ass stuff. Plus I can win some brownie points in my evil little dark hole that is my hobby love of the bad guys. On the army side of things I don’t have a ton of Terminators but I do have 40 Possessed I could try to shove into something. Or I could go full on crazy hobby person with my 3 Lord of Skulls?
I still have Chaos Knights! All the options and everything – but the Dominus class. I don’t think it is really that good but it would be easy. I really wish the Freeblade thing was there for the Chaos side of things.
I did fully paint up a foot based White Scars army. Heck, I even added 3 Dreadnoughts to it too. I could play this but it is on the edge of being a lot of things to remember. Heck – I wrote up a list for one of the weeks that seems fun – but I can’t justify finding 20 Assault Terminators. This is the problem with Marines – I won’t play Dark Angels but I like the idea of White Scars.
Hey – I painted more Custodes but not the cool stuff I want to do. So I could – no stop Goatboy – don’t try to source a ton of dreadnoughts.
Oh I do have good guy knights… no screw the good guys!
I have a revamped Death Guard idea and the majority is painted. I even have parts for most of it too if I wanted to go crazy with it. I think I just have to rebase my Chaos Spawn (50mm Baby!). Plus it is a new book with new rules so I am already on a better footing them CSM.
Play your giant Greater Daemon smash army Goatboy – it is painted and that was the last list you actually played before we stopped playing a bit in Austin. You know it, it has big monsters, and you can roll those saves like a bossman. Plus going all Exalted makes you feel like you are playing your old flying Circus List.
Oh and I guess I could play Smash Bros if I wanted to as well as I got that too. But that list is extremely hard and I will be sleepy trying to start the event.
Decisions, Decisions
This is the internal struggle in my brain as I try to think of what I want to do. Heck the Greater Daemon dance has me excited too – heck I can probably find a way to fit Mortarion in there too if I wanted to. All of these things just burn a hole in my brain on top of the fun things like my buddy and me playing the same list and seeing who does better.
What do you guys think? There can be so much fun stuff to mess around with that it gets hard to really jump on an idea. I will most likely play my Marines to match up my buddy’s army (horde White Scars) or some kind of Death Guard build. The Greater Daemon dance seems fine but it gets hard to survive that many rounds without running into something that will just wreck your face. I am pretty sad I couldn’t get ahold of more Heavy Intercessors as I had an idea for them but those Thicc boi’s are just gonna have to wait till May.
Is everyone getting excited that life might be moving back to a more normal vibe with games, events, and what not? Are you excited for GW releases to start moving faster again with some new books, new updates, and a better 9th direction? Or are you already tired and want something new?