Let’s Play D&D With Falcon And The Winter Soldier

The Wandavision cast has gone home and we need some new players, so this week we’ll invite Falcon and the Winter Soldier to the D&D table.
The first episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldiers is out and it looks like we’re in for a lot of fun over these next few months. But while we wait for new episode day, let’s consider adding Sam and Bucky to our next D&D one-shot.
Winter Soldier
Starting with the easy one, there was no doubt in my mind that Bucky was a Rogue Assassin. Assassin is almost too on the nose for him, but if the skills fit. Unfortunately, this made for a few issues later on that were more annoying and interesting than actually troubling. For example, and this will become even more evident during Falcon’s sheet, his HP are on the low side. Winter Soldier should be darn near indestructible, but instead, he has fewer hit points than Sam – and that’s with fudging the numbers a little. But rogues only get d8 hit points, so I had to roll with that one.
I decided that he should take the durable feat to make up for this and represent his faster than average healing a little. If this were a character somebody chose to play, there are a ton of other feats I’d eventually want to see added; tavern brawler for example would make his unarmed strike just a little more powerful. Also, at some point double classing in fighter may help round out the rest of his best abilities, but he’ll get there in a level or two.
Falcon was harder to get started on because there were too many factors. I wanted to incorporate his flight, but it’s a product of his suit and tech instead of coming from magic. Tech makes me lean Artificer, but that wouldn’t work because he didn’t make the tech, he’s just mastered its use. I also wanted to give a nod to Redwing – at one point a falcon companion but more recently a smart drone. After a fair amount of back and forth I decided to go for the obvious and pick Aarakocra for the almost (or in this case completely) natural flight ability and Ranger for the animal companion as well as some of the spells which lent themselves very well to his ability as a markman.
Both of these characters are a little low on equipment, Winter Soldier because he travels light and uses what he has or can grab – but Falcon has some go-to weaponry as part of his suit that I attempted to incorporate or point out. I did also point out that he should have Cap’s shield but… well you know how that’s going.
How would you make Falcon or the Winter Soldier for D&D? Are you enjoying the show so far and looking forward to more episodes? What TV shows, movies, or characters should I make sheets for next? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!