MTG: Strixhaven Spoilers Ahoy – More Professors More Mana

Come take a look at another round of spoilers from this morning’s Good Morning Magic. Take a look at the latest professors revealed at Strixhaven.
Alright I hope you’re ready to get schooled on the latest offerings from Strixhaven–this new Magic Set is coming out tomorrow, but before it does we’re getting another look at the professors. Today we’re looking blue/green and black/white as we look at the heads of Prismari House and Silverquill. If you’re wondering, Prismari is probably about as close as it gets to a house with a raven sort of claw, and you’d have to slither in to Silverquill. They’re new professors were revealed on this morning’s Good Morning Magic.
Meet the twin professors of Quandrix: Adrix and Nev, a pair of merfolk-lookin’ folks who are ready to explore the beautiful math of magic.
Quandrix mages are ingenious math magicians. They study patterns, fractals, and symmetries to command power over the fundamental forces of nature. They’ll solve a Rubik’s Cube while contemplating the metaphysical properties of the universe and can recite every number of Pi backwards. Their motto is “Math is magic.”
Meanwhile, heading up Silverquill, an Owl (which seems appropriate for Strix-haven), named Breena, who will teach you to wield minds as easily as you wield magic:
Silverquills wield the magic of words, from inspiring battle poetry to biting arcane insults. Stylish, intimidating, and tirelessly competitive, these mages are born leaders with a razor-sharp wit and natural charisma that can be used for good or for ill. Their motto is “Sharp style. Sharper wit.”
Both of these professors will have office hours tomorrow at 10 AM PST, so be sure and check back for more info from the new set.
Time to get all those back to school lists out, because Strixhaven launches tomorrow. Do you have your binders?