Total War: Warhammer 2’s Newest Legendary Lord Is Rakarth The Beast Master

Rakarth the Beast Master will be the newest free Legendary Lord available to Total War: Warhammer 2, voiced by Ramsay Bolton himself.
Creative Assembly has unveiled their newest legendary lord, as well as announced when their next DLC will be. Coming March 18th–in three short days–Iwan Rheon will be bringing his sinisterly dulcet tones to the voice of Rakarth, the Beast Master. According to an announcement from Creative Assembly earlier this week. Here’s a taste of what’s in store:
Amongst even the most skilled Beastmasters, none come close to the terrifying brilliance of Beastlord Rakarth!
Monopolising on both brutal monsters and raw fear itself, Rakarth approaches whip in hand…
Claim your free Legendary Lord via Total War Access on March 18th!
Rakarth has a lot going for him in the game:
Like, a lot. Rakarth is the ultimate in self-sustaining armies. Harpies have no upkeep costs, and as a Free-Range Beastmaster, Rakarth’s troops can replenish even in enemy territory? This means you’ll be able to take the Beastlord on extended campaigns and not have to worry about the care and feeding of your army, because they’ll all be cared and fed for.
And with Rakarth, it seems like Creative Assembly has finally gotten around to releasing a Legendary Lord who’s a beast man, you know, from a certain point of view. In that he’s a man who really is good with beasts. And he comes with his own black dragon and special whip of agony to keep his units from experiencing fear.
All of this drops on Thursday, so get ready to begin your next campaign. Maybe this time you’ll finally play as something other than Empire.