Warhammer 40K: Lelith & Palatine Rules Previews

The one and only Lelith Hesperax is getting a rules update along side the new Sisters of Battle Palatine. Come see what they can do!
With the upcoming Piety and Pain box, Games Workshop is including two characters – Lelith Hesperax for the Drukhari forces and the long awaited Palatine for the Adeptus Sororitas. Each of these models brings their own bit of flavor to their respective armies. Let’s take a closer look at what each one can do today!
The Palatine
“The Palatine sisters act as lieutenants for their Canonesses, helping to direct the firepower of their Battle Sisters and leading them in the charge when duty calls for retribution to be delivered up close.”
Rocking a pretty solid stat-line for a member of the Adeptus Sororitas, the Palatine is hitting on 2+ for both shooting and melee. She’s got the standard Strength and Toughness of 3 with 4 wounds and 3 attacks. Wargear wise, this model has a plasma pistol and power sword so she’ll be a threat regardless of the engagement.
Fury of the Righteous is a great way to get some extra support to you units as it allows for friendly <Order> units to get a to wound re-roll for those pesky 1s. As mentioned by GW, she’s effectively the Sisters version of a lieutenant.
Leltih Hesperax
“As a master performer as well as a fighter, Lelith Hesperax knows how to delight her audience with displays of lethal acrobatics and blood-soaked artistry.”
Lelith is still FAST! She’s also hitting on 2s and has a Strength and Toughness of 3. Packing 5 wounds and a whopping 7 attacks, she’s going to cause some serious problems! Combine that with her special Lelith’s Blades wargear and she can potentially roll 14 hits! That’s super unlikely, but hey, if you happen to roll all 6s to hit, more power to you!
She’s got a big, glaring weakness as her armor save is only a 6+…but we’re betting she’s going to have a work-around for that (she’s probably going to have an Invulnerable save of some type).
Her own special ability is Natural Perfection and it’s going to be a *little* bonkers. During your Command phase you can choose which part of this rule you’d like to activate. Thrilling Acrobatics allows her to Fall Back or Advance and still charge. Always great if need her to get into (or out of) combat.
Gory Spectacle means that if she’s stuck in combat, and you’re pretty sure she’s going to get at least 1 kill, she can fight AGAIN. That’s another 7 attacks with the potential to generate even more hits. She’ll be able to mop-up any left over models in close combat for sure.
Piety and Pain is coming soon – get ready for a fight in War Zone Metalica!