Warhammer 40K: The Spider’s Other Experiments

While the Primaris Marines have Fabius Bile’s attention, the Spider has been playing around in the lab – check out his OTHER experiments.
Fabius Bile has been hard at work playing around with the genetic material of …pretty much whatever he can get his hands on. There are quite a few other experiments he’s conducted over the years. Here’s a list of some of his craziest ones.
Cloned Primarchs– Fabius styles himself ‘Primogenitor’, claiming he has unlocked the secrets in the creation of the Primarchs and the Space Marines. This is possibly due in part to the Raven Guard‘s research on the Primarch genetic code, which was stolen by Alpha Legion operatives. His fondest desire is to harvest the genetic bounty of the reborn Primarch Guilliman himself. Fabius has created clones of all twenty of the Primarchs, including matured clones of:
Eidolon– As well as his early work using Laer technology to give the Lord Commander the ability to emit a nerve paralysing shriek, following Eidolon’s execution Fabius managed to reattach his severed head to his body and revive him.
Terata– His experiments on others bring uncertain results. Sometimes the experiment is a success, creating psychotic killers, superhuman even in comparison to their corrupted Chaos brethren, sometimes the subject’s metabolism disintegrates in the face of the stress, resulting in instant death. He has become fascinated with the new Primaris Space Marines, and has obsessively dissected and studies whatever specimens he has captured. He has pledged to create his own twisted versions of the Primaris.
Kakophoni– The original Noise Marines.
New Men– The pinnacle of his art is the “New Man”, creatures who possess strength and intelligence superior to any human, as well as the worst traits of mankind. As Fabius leaves behind planets of corrupted human abominations, the Adeptus Astartes and the Inquisition strive to purge these creations, and are forced to destroy entire populations.
Gland-hounds– Made by partial gene-seed implantation, designed to hunt Space Marines in packs and retrieve their gene-seed.
Vat-born– Initially only created through growth in vats, but later generations were able to reproduce amongst themselves.
Thralls– Fabius is attended by bonecrafted thralls of his own creation, existing as a mixture of human, mutant, and Neverborn.
Witches– Psykers created by introducing genetic flaws into the abhuman population.
Overseers– Tall, grey creations implanted with psych-dampners and other implants to protect them from the witches’ powers.
Mind-worm — Resembling a centipede with a metal segmented carapace and several fibrous antennae. Once implanted could copy the host’s thoughts, memories, and dreams and download them for transfer to a data-spike.
Splices — multiple species of mutant created from mixing human and animal DNA. Identified types are described as canind, simian, bovine, rodentine, arachnoid, ophidian, minotal, and many more.
Self-experimentation– He experiments on himself just as readily as on any of his victims, resulting in vast variations on his strength and other abilities. With his physical form frail, Bile has managed to create many clones of himself and implants his own brain into them to extend his life.
Learn more about Fabius Bile and his Experiments.
“I’m… too sexy for my labcoat, too sexy for my labcoat…”