Warhammer Adventures: Finales Approaching

After two years and a string of books the adventures come to a conclusion. Warhammer Adventures gets a final send off.
The Warhammer Adventures books are a series designed for younger readers. They explored the Warhammer: 40,000 and Age of Sigmar universes from the perspective of diverse groups of young heroes. These respective series have been ongoing for two years with 5 books each. And now, after quite the journey for their respective heroes, they are getting a final chapter each to conclude their stories.
“For two years now, Warhammer fans of all ages have been thrilled by the Warhammer Adventures series of books. Groups of young heroes have battled impossible odds across the 41st Millennium and the Mortal Realms. But as with all good things, the Warped Galaxies and Realm Quest series must come to an end. “
The good news is that these books are getting a concluding story. Hopefully these will tie-up all the loose ends and story threads that these series have been building up. With a total of 6 books each, that’s quite the run and something to be proud of.
Tomb of the Necron
Battle for the Soulspring
The Warhammer Adventure books were both lighter reading and engaging. At the same time the stakes were raised with each story. It’s good to see that their stories are going to get some suitably epic endings! If you’ve got younger kids and were looking for a way to introduce them to the hobby and universe you enjoy then these books are great entry points for them.
I do wonder if these heroes are going to get a chance to grow up, perhaps with a new series? I’m not sure what that would look like or if we’d follow these same young adventurers to their next stages. If this series is geared toward younger readers are we going to see a Young Adult series next? YA fiction is a pretty big genre and these characters do have a built in fanbase.
Perhaps one day we might even get models for these brave adventurers. That seems like something that GW could tackle. In anycase, the last chapters are coming soon so if you’ve been following them keep an eye out for those books!
They might be “kids books” but their adventures were pretty epic!