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Age of Sigmar: Armies We Hope To See…Eventually

5 Minute Read
Apr 24 2021
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The Mortal Realms are going through some things with the Broken Realms saga shaking things up and we’re hoping some new armies pop-out of all this chaos.

The events of the Broken Realms are like a cruible melting away the chaff and flash leaving only the good stuff behind. At least, we hope so…Whatever is happening it sure seems like Games Workshop is planning to shake up the status quo that was reset by the Necroquake. Things seem to be taking shape and now that we’ve seen 3 books and had a chance to digest their stories, it seems very clear that the next arc of the story is about to kick off. What will that be? We don’t know but based on the name of the event, well, you can take a stab at it.

That said, there are still many armies and directions Games Workshop could go within the Mortal Realms. Today, we’re taking a look at a few that we think are over due – and possibly around the corner.

The Umbraneth (aka Shadow Aelves)

Games Workshop might have let this one slip a short time ago. And if you’ve been keeping up with the Lore, you might get the sense that the Aelven Pantheon is poised to “do it’s own thing” – at least Morathi and Teclis are okay with doing things their own way. The Grand Alliance of Order might still be a thing, but there are certainly fissures. And one such faction has remained ominously quiet. Malerion is reigning over Ulgu, the realm of Shadow and hasn’t really been shown too much. That’s kind of odd when you think about it. I mean, sure, we just got a bunch of new Lumenith Realm-lords and Teclis is kind of a boss…but what about Malerion’s Umbraneth?

The Kurnothi

We know next to nothing about the upcoming Broken Realms: Kragnos book. However, based on this art and some other models, we’re starting to wonder if Games Workshop is about to relaunch a “mortal” wood aelven army.

They did put out a warband of Kurnothi. Skaeth the Huntsman looks a LOT like the figure in the art above. And the old “Wood Elves” army got rolled into Cities of Sigmar, but that just doesn’t seem like a good fit. We could seem the Sylvaneth get an expansion as well – but honestly, I’d like to see this faction become an army unto itself. Will that happen? That’s kind of up to GW but it sure seems like they are laying the foundations for something like this to happen.


Duradin United

There were hints at this in the Broken Realms: Be’lakor book. The Kharadron Overlords got a fleet together of several different houses and it was a powerful armada. There was even a particular Duardin named Gromthi who seemed like he was trying to teach them a lesson about teamwork…

He also had given the Kharadon Overlords a warning about “the things to come…” and hoped they were prepared for whatever those events will be. It’s all very prophetic and open to interpretation. Whatever the case, the idea that the Duardin as an entire race could reunite and become something even greater is actually a really cool take on them. Even way back in the World-That-Was, the Dwarves and the Elves always felt like races that were slowly being pushed out – they were “dying” while the Empire of Man was the new up-and-coming race. But this new twist makes it so that the Duardin are actually the race that’s on the upward trajectory. Wouldn’t that be something – a united Duardin race once again.

‘Chaos’ Duradin


I know we just went off about how cool it would be if the Duradin united as a single race and all, but the Legion of Azgorh has been waiting in the wings for a LONG time now. I’m not going to get into the history of this army or the way they have been treated in the current setting. I just think it could be an army that could be reworked and redone and brought back in a really amazing way. And if you wanted to get them away from the “Chaos” part, maybe make them more like a force of Destruction (Sigmar knows that faction could use some more options).

“Just drop the chaos and make them ‘wild’ or something.”

Fomoroid & Ogroid Armies

The Fomoroid is a massive race of Cyclopic Builders. They have been corrupted by Archaon to only destroy. We’ve gotten a look at what their models could be thanks to Warcry and an evil army of these hulking creatures would be really cool. Maybe pair them along side some more of the Beefy Ogroids while we’re at it:


We already have a Thaumaturge and Myrmidon. Let’s fill out this army and get the ball rolling on these Chaos-power infused Ogroids! They aren’t “evil” versions of Ogors, these would be a whole new spin on that and GW could really go nuts with this army. It would probably be a small and relatively elite force – but each Ogroid or Fomoroid would be a unit unto itself. I’m all for low model count armies. Just saying.


What do you think? What OTHER armies would you like to see in Age of Sigmar?

Author: Adam Harrison
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