Anime: Live Action Gundam Movie Gets More Promising With Writer and Director Announcements

A long promised live action Gundam movie gets a little more real and a lot more auspicious with Netflix’s director, producer, and writer announcements.
Seemingly a million years ago the live action Gumdan movie was announced, but with no news and an entire year in pandemic, we had all but forgotten about the promise of gigantic mobile suits and galactic warfare. But recently there has been some promising and possibly even exciting Gundam news to get us talking about anime most famous mechs again.
Netflix and Legendary Pictures have picked up the worldwide rights to the film with a Netflix release looking likely for most of the world with a Chinese theater release through Legendary. Netflix is no stranger to live action adaptations of popular anime, video games, and comics, but has greeted fans with mixed successes.
After all, the same company that brought us The Witcher and Umbrella Academy also cursed us with Death Note. The upcoming live action adaptation of fan favorite, Cowboy Bepop is still very much in the pipeline and has even wrapped up filming, but between lead actor John Cho’s on set injury and fans collective dubiousness towards western live-action takes on popular anime titles, we’re all waiting to see.
All of that said, It looks like the the promised Gundam movie could possibly be good. Previously signing on as writer and producer is Brian K. Vaughan who you may know from Saga, Y: The Last Man, Runaways, and Paper Girls. And honestly, that in and of itself is pretty exciting. Vaughan is an accomplished and talented writer who is personally responsible for so many of our favorite comics and could probably do a Gundam movie justice.
But this week Netflix announced that joining the team as director and producer would be Jordan Vogt-Roberts whose resume includes Kong; Skull Island, Funny or Die Presents, You’re The Worst, and Death Stranding. This list clearly proves that Vogt-Roberts a person of many talents and tremendous range, but did you know he is also a huge Gundam fan and has snuck references to the mobile suits into other works including the the similar look of the helmets worn by helicopter pilots in Kong: Skull Island.
A tweet cannot begin to express how excited I am by this!
— (((Jordan Vogt-Roberts))) (@VogtRoberts) April 12, 2021
Unfortunately, details have been scarce so we have no clues as to what the plot with entail, which characters we can expect to see, where on the very long Gundam timeline this particular film will take place, or even when about we can expect to stream it directly into our living rooms. What we do know is that the team they have lined up so far are more than capable of doing a good job with the franchise and probably want to see a quality Gundam project as much as we do. S hopefully this will be better than 1999’s G-Saviour. Fingers crossed.
Are you excited for a live action Gundam adaptation? Which Gundam plotline would you like to see tackled, or would you prefer a brand new story and characters? Who else would you like to see involved in this project? Let us know in the comments!
Ja Ne, Adventurers!