D&D Monster Spotlight: The Who’s Who Of Demon Lords To Avoid

Not only are their monsters, fiends, and sentient elements running amuck in the realms of D&D, but demons to contend with and hopefully steer clear of.
The Demon Queen of Fungi, Zuggtmoy has a pretty simple and singular desire; to infect as many living creatures as possible with spores and turn them into her mindless, rotting, mushroom like servants. She looks like a mostly humanoid woman from the waist up, but is more like a terrible funfus mermaid below the torso. While she’s not a terribly popular demon lord for cultists to follow, misguided druids and clerics will sometimes wander into her service, and many others join her unwillingly when infected.
If you are for some reason looking for a demon lord of slime and ooze to follow, Juiblex is the foul, faceless amorphous mass for you. Also known as the Faceless Lord, he doesn’t have some singular shape as much as exists as a blob of always recognizable demonic grossness. He also doesn’t act or think in a way that’s understandable to a mortal’s mind, but he has a frightening intellect and is one of the few beings with a true understanding of the Abyss. Juiblex is considered to be one of the weaker demon lords, however any adventurer finding themself unlucky enough to encounter him will find a troubling and toxic battle with an enemy that can take on any form an control the ooze from any direction.
Compared to the demon lord of ooze, Graz’zt feels much more straight forward. A nine foot tall humanoid obsidian character, he has a form that’s much easier to comprehend than some other demons. This may help is popularity among the mortals, as he is worshiped by many monstrous races despite not achieving divine status yet. Or it may be the salacious nature of his powers and favors.
It would feel wrong to leave out the Demogorgon after it’s recent rice to popularity thanks to Stranger Things, but the plant like creature visiting the kids in the 80’s is almost entirely unrecognizable from the D&D Demon it’s named for. This one is more like an eighteen foot tall scaly ape with two baboon heads and tentacle like arms. Each head has its own personality and war constantly with one another, but are smart and creative and enjoy the opportunity to destroy and bring madness creatively.
Pale Night
Also known as the Mother of Demons, Pale Night is one of the most interesting and mysterious entities to come from the Abyss. Appearing as a vague feminine shape in a shimmering light that glides though the air, mortals aren’t quite able to see her true form without madness or death. Despite sounding ethereal, the Pale Night can be just as malevolent as other demons, though sometimes her motives and desires can be difficult to decipher as she rarely ever speaks, even to her own followers. Her touch drains victims of of hippieness and personality, leaving miserable husks, and a rejuvenated demon mom.
Have you encountered any demons in your D&D adventures? Which is your favorite? Which do hope your DM never lets you run into? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!