Let’s Play D&D In Mortal Kombat: Sub-Zero Edition

We’re heading back to the arcade for round two this week and figuring out how to have Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat join us for some D&D.
A few weeks back we dove into the world of Mortal Kombat with some playable D&D sheets for Scorpion. But the movie is officially being released this Friday and it takes two to kombat to the mortal, so let’s get psyched up with another addition to our hypothetical arcade game inspired dungeon crawl:
Starting out I thought this character would be a lot more straightforward than he ended up being, and then I got caught up in options and what I thought would be fun or useful versus completely on the nose. For example, I was originally going to go with a Draconic Bloodline with a silver dragon for the sorcerous origin and ice powers. But Giant Soul with a frost giant had the same effect plus Armor of Agathys and Ray of Frost.
The sorcerer class covered us for the ice magic (I wish there were more ice and cold spell options, but that’s a complaint for another day), but he’s basically supposed to be a ninja or assassin and I needed to incorporate that as well. Rogue has an assassin sub-class, and that could have worked, but I didn’t think it would work for some of the more hands-on fighting that these characters get up to so I decided to lean a little more into the ninja aspect with Way of the Shadow monk. It’s a little more sneaky than he probably needs for our purposes, but in a D&D game it would be useful, fun, and work pretty well for his background.
Weapons were a little light for Sub-Zero because he doesn’t use quite as many, so I picked some from his various game appearances and added an icy flair. Do they change the stats? Not on my sheets, but you can make that argument with your DM. Honestly, it was mostly about the style points. Likewise, he doesn’t have armor because it wouldn’t have worked with the monk class, hence why the free addition of Armor of Agathys was such a draw.
When it came to spells, I grabbed as many ice and cold spells as I could as well as anything vaguely coldish weather adjacent (like fog) and then just started grabbing spells that I thought would be fun with this character, or could be altered in-game into something that looks icy. Water Walk isn’t really an ice spell, but you could probably make the argument to your DM to let you use it for his slick sliding move.
All in all, it’s hard to make a perfect representation of Sub-Zero for D&D, but a character inspired by him is more than doable and honestly looks pretty fun. How close will the newest cinematic versions be? Well, we’ll have to tune in this weekend and see for ourselves.
Who is your go to Mortal Kombat character? Will you be watching the latest movie this weekend, or waiting to see what people have to say about it first? Which movie, TV, or game characters would you like to see sheets for next time? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!