Warhammer 40K: Drukhari FAQ Out Now

The Drukhari just got an update to their Codex. Are we about to see a titanic shift in their play? Eh…Probably not as much as some folks were hoping.
“Watch out for the Nerf-bat coming for Drukhari!” Well, not exactly. The new FAQ is out and it’s not as hard hitting as a Raider full of Dark Lances. Reavers did get a pretty big points change – but let’s just dive right in, shall we?
View the Drukhari FAQ HERE
That’s the whole FAQ – 1/2 a page of changes. One of the biggest one is the Point Values for Reavers. Games Workshop clarified their points go from 10 points a model to 20 points. At the same time their weapons got slight points tweaks – really it was just the Blaster went from 15 points down to 10. I’m not sure why Cluster Caltrops or the Grav-talon are listed – they are the same points cost in the codex at +5 points. But hey, it did clear up that whole “What’s their point cost” question.
…And question answered!
Master Nemesine went from adding 1 to the wound roll for an attack to only a re-roll of a wound roll of 1. That’s a hit for all your Haemonculus Coven Warlords out there.
I got a nerf…
Take Them Alive! actually allows your Drukhari army to score the appropriate amount of points for a progressive objective now. Really, it was clear in how the check-boxes work, but adding in the “end of the battle ROUND” was just more of a clarification. Same with Diabolical Soothsayer which was really just a clarification.
And finally, the only other “nerf” is the change to Agile Hunters which drops by an inch. I’m sure they will manage.
Is it the end of the Drukhari? Did GW over correct and nerf them in to oblivion!? Hardly. The Drukhari Codex is solid. It may be a little *too* solid right now, but whatever – let them enjoy their time in the spotlight. Codex Power Creep or just the typical GW balancing act – the Drukhari can compete (for now). Let’s see how long it lasts.
What do you think of the “changes” in the FAQ? Did it go far enough or were you expecting a bit more heavy-handed changes to their codex?