Warhammer 40K: Gameplay Reminders As the World Reopens

We are all getting ready to get out there and start playing again – if we still remember how. Here are some tips to get you back on track.
It seems that some areas of the world are loosening their restrictions, while others seem to be staying the same or back to more stringent restrictions. I am fortunate that the area that I live in has been gradually getting better and, as a result, we are able to have tournaments again. It has been just over a year since the last tournament that I played in. There have been a number of changes since then, the big one being that there is a new edition. I’m not going to lie, it will be a bit jarring having to remember how to interact with actual live people at a tournament. That being said, I believe there are a few things to remember for those of us that are just returning to the tabletop in addition to your army, dice and ruler.
A Simple Army List
This almost seems obvious and I don’t mean just having an army list. What I mean is that you should have an overly simplified army list for your opponents to read. They do not need to see every detailed weapon or stat that may not even be used in the game. In addition, neither one of you will have enough time to really look at a detailed list. In my opinion, you should have a very simplified list to show your opponent and briefly explain any special rules your opponent may need to know or answer any questions about your army your opponent may have.
If you are attending a major tournament then players should have already seen your list online. To be honest, most players don’t really pay attention to army lists anyway and rarely pay attention to the list they were handed or what you just told them until it becomes a crucial part of your game. That could just be my cynical side.
Maybe something better than this…
Eat and Drink Something
I’ve talked about this before, you actually need to take care of yourself. Even if it is just a one-day event, you need to be properly hydrated and fed or bad things could happen. I have seen grown men collapse in the middle of a tournament because they were not taking care of themselves. Luckily it wasn’t anything serious but you really need to keep a watch on what you eat and drink. Well I mean you need to at least eat and drink something.
You should not play through your lunch and get something to eat instead. Ideally you really wouldn’t need that extra time to finish a game as that is a different issue. This is especially true if you have a medical condition that is dependent on you actually eating and/or drinking something. Just please remember to do this, I really don’t want to have to deal with emergency services again at a major event, or any event really.
You don’t need this many alternates, but hey… goals!
Have Alternate Models on Hand
We all love cool models. With technology the way it is today, there seems to be an endless supply of models available to use in your games of 40K. In most normal games of 40K it really doesn’t matter what models you use, unless your buddy is a stickler for these things. Competitive play is a different beast. Because of the possible difference in the size and shape of different models, there could be some issues with using a 3rd party or proxy model. In recent years if you go to a major tournament with Games Workshop helping out, especially with the stream, they have a restriction that there cannot be any non-GW models in your army in order to be on the Games Workshop stream.
A solution to this is to have the official model on hand. I know it seems like this concession defeats the purpose of using a 3rd party model but for many tournaments, in order to play in the finals, you have to play on the stream. If, in reality, you feel you have a better than average chance to be in the running for the top spot, then you should try to find the actual Games Workshop model or you will be spending your time away from the event looking for the correct models so you can play in the finals.
~That’s all for now. I hope you enjoy the article. Let me know what you think, and what advice you have for going to a tournament, in the comments section below.