Age of Sigmar: New Launch Box ‘Dominion’ Preview This Saturday

Strap in folks. It’s a new edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and a new Launch box named “Dominion” – what could it mean?
This Saturday Games Workshop is going to unleash a new Launch box preview on us all. We don’t know much, but we do have a couple of clues to work with and a timeline for the announcement.
“For fans of the Mortal Realms, this is quite simply the best boxed set ever. If you looked on enviously last year as Warhammer 40,000 players cracked open their copies of Indomitus, this boxed set is like that. Dominion, however, has fewer boltguns and undying robots, and more lightning warriors and… well, you’ll have to join us to see.”
More Stormcasts in the box and …something else. Based on the Rumor Engine “Visions of Beasts” teasers so far its looking rather interesting! There is a chance those aren’t related to the box, but c’mon. The timing is too perfect. What do we have so far? Take a look:
I don’t know about you, but I’m quite looking forward to this set of reveals! We also know a little bit about the Stormcast Eternals that are also going to be included (in the next edition, not necessarily in the next box).
Get excited folks. If this new launch box is just as packed as the Warhammer 40,000 Indomitus box, you can bet it’s going to be jammed packed with value. That also means pre-orders and supplies are going to go FAST.
When To Watch
GW is going with the same preview timing (which is later in the day for the UK but right around prime-time for the US). Above you can see the times for when things will get started in a time zone near you. What’s going to be in the box? Who are the Stormcast going to be fighting? Are we about to get a completely new army!? Oh, this is gonna be good…
What do you think Dominion refers to? Will it be Death, Destruction or Chaos?