D&D: Critical Role Defeats Their Final Boss

This past Thursday, Critical Role went up against what will likely be the biggest epic confrontation in Campaign 2, and will soon wrap up the season.
Well folks, Thursday has come and gone, and what a fight it was. This Thursday marked the climax of Campaign 2, as the Mighty Nein squared off against the final big boss fight in the game. We’re about to wade deep into spoiler territory, but you either saw it for yourself, or you’ll catch up soon enough now that the campaign is finally winding down. You’ll only have a few episodes shy of 150 to wade through, which is probably enough time to while away what remains of the pandemic.
However, just because Campaign 2 is coming to a close doesn’t mean you’ll have seen the last of the Mighty Nein. After all, Vox Machina have ridden again several times since the epic battle against Vecna. And now that they’ve faced down…not a god, not exactly, there are still plenty of threads left to tie up. The finale of the fight isn’t up on YouTube yet, but you can check out the epic part 1 below:
From the very first session on, the group of adventurers known as the Mighty Nein have been wrapped up in a secret conflict that stemmed from the character Mollymauk Tealeaf, who famously woke up with nine tattoos of eyes in a grave somewhere, and turns out to have been an entity known as the Nonagon, which is a title conferred by a hive-mind city that is somehow alive. The Somnovem, the sort of leading mind of nine philosophers from the ancient magocracitic city of Aeor, drew their ward of the city into the Astral Plane and there it became something… else.
Now, Lucien, resurrected, has become a monstrous representation of them, and once again the Mighty Nine face down a shatteringly powerful foe in an epic conflict. Check him out below:
Lucien is a fantastic final boss–he basically combines the epic eye rays of a beholder but mixed in a humanoid form. It’s a fantastic reimagining of a typical monster stat block, and it goes to show just what you can do with a little bit of tinkering under the hood.
Mercer also employed the classic phased boss fight–which WotC themselves have started to experiment with in books like Mythic Odysseys of Theros, which introduces mythic monsters that change form or have some other special mode shift when you reduce their hit points to zero.
What threads do you hope get tied up by the end of the show?