Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Nurgle Daemon Engine Party by Don the Mastadon

Goatboy here and today let’s talk about Don’s Daemon Engine list from the Dallas Open. It’s a lean, mean Nurgle killy machine!
I got back from my first big event (about 200 attendees) of 2021 – The Dallas Open. I learned a lot about playing in 9th Edition, and you can check out the winning list here. But today I want to take some time to talk about a list that caught my Nurgley heart. I love the list as it is small, compact, and looks easy to play. These are all the things that make Goatboy happy as having an overcomplicated combo list is just too hard for me to keep up with. With that in mind – let’s throw it out here so you can check it out. Take it away mighty champion of Nurgle – Don:
Death Guard – Outrider Detachment – -3CP
Plague Company – The Inexorable
Plaguecaster – Miasma of Pestilence, Gift of Plagues – Ferric Blight, Suppurating Plate – Warlord – 95pts
Foetid Bloat-Drone – Fleshmower – 135pts
Foetid Bloat-Drone – Heavy Blight Launcher – 140pts
Foetid Bloat-Drone – Heavy Blibht Launcher – 140pts
Myphitic Blight Hauler X 2 – 280pts
Myphitic Blight Hauler X 2 – 280pts
Myphitic Blight Hauler X 2 – 280pts
-Heavy Support-
Plagueburst Crawler – Entropy Cannons X 2, Heavy Slugger – 175pts
Death Guard – Outrider Detachment – -3CP
Malignant Plaguecaster – Miasma of Pestilence, Curse of the Leper
Greater Blight Drone – 125pts
Greater Blight Drone – 125pts
Greater Blight Drone – 125pts
Pts – 1995 – CP 6
The Little Daemon Engines That Could!
As you can tell it is a bunch of floating plague dudes, then a ton of the small little guys. This Demonkin of Nurgle army pumps out a ton of mortal wounds with the Plagueburster Crawler, explosions, and casting from the Plaguecasters. It moves up, throws out damage, and can pop things as needed. It really seems to suffer more from terrain being hard to see around with the small little Blight Haulers getting blocked from the game I watched at the end. Overall it seems pretty simple and fun enough to try and get together – as anything with this low model count pleases the great mind of the Goatboy.
Do you have any ultra-simple army lists that you love to play?