Star Wars Armada: Building a Republic Venator Fleet

Let’s take a look at a Republic fleet idea for Star Wars Armada.
Star Wars Armada is firmly in the Clone Wars Era now and I’m loving it. With Two waves out, it’s finally time to start messing around with list building. I’ve made a lot of Rebel and Imperial lists in my day, but the Clone Wars factions are a new beast. Let’s take a look at one idea I came up with.
The List
The Triple Threat
Commander: Luminara Unduli
[ flagship ] Venator I-class Star Destroyer (90 points)
– Luminara Unduli ( 25 points)
– Tranquility ( 3 points)
– Expert Shield Tech ( 5 points)
– Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
– Flak Guns ( 3 points)
– DBY-827 Heavy Turbolaser ( 3 points)
– Expanded Launchers ( 13 points)
– Take Evasive Action! ( 6 points)
= 152 total ship cost
Venator I-class Star Destroyer (90 points)
– Resolute ( 6 points)
– Expert Shield Tech ( 5 points)
– Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
– Flak Guns ( 3 points)
– DBY-827 Heavy Turbolaser ( 3 points)
– Expanded Launchers ( 13 points)
= 124 total ship cost
Venator I-class Star Destroyer (90 points)
– Barriss Offee ( 6 points)
– Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
– Flak Guns ( 3 points)
– DBY-827 Heavy Turbolaser ( 3 points)
– Expanded Launchers ( 13 points)
– Entrapment Formation! ( 5 points)
= 124 total ship cost
Points: 400/400
The Idea
If it wasn’t clear I really like Venators. I think they are a cool looking ship and I’ve always wanted to run a fleet of them. Well, now is my time. The core idea here is to have some big blasty ships punching holes in the enemy. At the same time I hope to make use of Luminara’s ability to recover defense tokens to help deal with being outnumbered. The idea is that the Ventators can alternate between using their defense tokens and hopefully get off a lot of counter-attacks with salvos. Between Ordnance Experts, Flak Guns and the heavy turbo lasers they’ve got a pretty good salvo attack and with the Luminara hopefully I can make a lot of them. This makes even squadron swarms have to think a little about hitting us with lots of little attacks.
The ships themselves pack a good, if short-ranged punch. With Expanded Launchers they throw out a lot of frontal black dice and if they can get in close for a double arc attack they will put the hurt on you. Entrapment Formation and Take Evasive Action! are both aimed at giving them a little more maneuverability and letting them make use of their speed three to close the gap and get off those devastating attacks.
Lastly, the ships have a few upgrades to help with durability. Tranquility for instance can spend a redirect token to reduce damage by one, while also moving shields to the targeted zone, in effect getting a double bonus out of it and getting to ready another spent token. Likewise Barris can push attacks around to zones she wants to get hit. In both cases the ships should be able to get the most out of all their shields. Hopefully these will help keep them in the fight long enough. I don’t know if it’s the best fleet, but it seems pretty fun to play around with.
Let us know what you think of this fleet, down in the comments!