Age of Sigmar: 3 Stormcast Eternals Units I Hope Are on the Way

What else is in the new Stormcast chamber? Let’s talk Golden Armor.
Dominion will be out in a couple of weeks, and Sigmar and Grungni have pulled out all the stops to outfit the Stormcast with the best new equipment. While we already know some of the new units coming to the army after Dominion, there has to be more coming eventually. Following the way things have been released in the past and how the new rules are shaping up, we can draw a few conclusions about what we might see next.
New Warmachine
With the new Thunderstrike armor giving us slightly bulkier Stormcast more focused on the force of their assault, it stands to reason that we’ll see another weapon platform that capitalizes on that. With the Great Smith making stuff again (the dwarven influence can be seen in the square weapons of the new Stormcast forces), it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if we saw some kind of arcane cannon or stone thrower.
While it is less likely, it would also be neat to see a light version of a flame cannon, either a unit or a warmachine, to really drive home the combination of Sigmar’s ingenuity and Grungni’s impeccable artifice.
New Magical Hero
We have a new wizard in the Dominion box in the form of the Knight-Arcanum, and I hope that she won’t be the last we see of Azyrite sorcerers. Even if we just get a mounted Knight-Arcanum or an option for one with a bit more mobility, I hope we see more from that chamber. My money is on a Lord-Incantor, perhaps even combining the Priest and Wizard keywords to make the most of their new 3.0 power.
New Monster
Age of Sigmar 3.0 is making monsters awesome again by adding in new Monstrous rules that every monster can use during their turn, and I doubt they’ll neglect their golden boys. The Stormdrake is an incredible model, but we can theorize that something else, maybe something just a little smaller and faster, might be on the way, maybe more akin to the Aelven dragons or the Fyreslayer Magmadroths. This might be a bit of wishful thinking, but when you’re making the starter army, you want them to be able to do a bit of everything.