D&D: New ‘Critical Role’ One Shot Pits Vox Machina Vs. The Mighty Nein June 18th

You asked for it (by backing the impossibly successful Critical Role Kickstarter) and soon Vox Machina will battle the Mighty Nein TO THE DEATH!
You know how in the Matrix, the crew of the Nebuchednezzar gets excited when Morpheus and Neo square off in a virtual sparring match that has everyone watching the video except for Mouse, who’s that one nerd that’s super excited about the “neurokinetics?” Well if you’re a Critical Role fan, you’re about to get your Morpheus vs. Neo moment as a special one shot edition brings the parties from Campaign 1 & Campaign 2 together.
But not in a fun, Jetsons meet the Flintstones kinda way, but instead forcing them to fight to the death (THE DEATH) as Vox Machina fights the Mighty Nein.
If you’re wondering why this might be happening, you clearly haven’t fallen down the “massive” rabbit hole that is Critical Role fandom. Massive is in quotes here because, to the average person it’s a massive rabbit hole, but in comparison to something like, say, Vtubers, it’s barely even a pothole. But we’re not going there. Not yet. For the uninitiated though, the battle tournament is happening because Critters are both hungry and horny for anything Critical Role related, and as one of the stretch goals of their massively successful Kickstarter back in 2019, Critters brought about a one-shot that will pit their most beloved heroes against each other in a brutal fight to the death, because if there’s one thing Critters love to see it’s beloved characters dying.
Shine bright circus man…
Long may he reign…It’s taken a while but my Mollymauk tribute is finally done đź’ś
Advertisement#criticalrolefanart #CriticalRole #Mollymauk pic.twitter.com/G0oFkYsbz6
— Heather Hood (@totalpartykillr) July 30, 2018
I’m sure there’s a metaphor in here about consuming the thing you desire most and leaving only a bloody mess in its wake, but let’s not start examining the messages any given fandom is sending to or about the thing they love, it can’t end well. Instead let’s talk about this upcoming deathmatch which is airing June 18th.
via Critical Role
[W]e are absolutely hyped to share that our Vox Machina x Mighty Nein one-shot will air Friday, June 18th at 7pm Pacific on both our Twitch and YouTube channels. The showdown was unlocked when our $3 million stretch goal was SMASHED by all of you amazing backers.
Members of Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein will face off in an epic FIGHT TO THE DEATH! Having seven players made it a tad awkward to break out into even teams, so our brilliant GM Matthew Mercer built a mechanic into the arena so that one player will be a wildcard of sorts, who can be pulled between Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein. After a dice roll-off, our favorite goth dad, Taliesin Jaffe, claimed the wildcard title and has the unique pleasure of juggling characters and accents at a moment’s notice… Good luck, Taliesin! The rest of the Critical Role cast have been broken up between the two adventuring parties, leaving us with the following matchup:
Ashley Johnson as Pike Trickfoot
Sam Riegel as Scanlan Shorthalt
Liam O’Brien as Vax’ildan
And our wildcard Taliesin Jaffe as Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III
Marisha Ray as Beauregard Lionett
Laura Bailey as Jester Lavorre
Travis Willingham as Fjord
And our wildcard Taliesin Jaffe as Mollymauk Tealeaf
All characters will be Level 15 for a nice fair fight. Oh yeah! We also decided to theme this team deathmatch with some post-apocalyptic desert warrior vibes for funsies… Check out the incredible character art created by Anna Zee (@AnnaZee_S) and GET HYPED!
Who do you think will win? Let us know in the commments!