Goatboy’s Warhammer 40k: Rejoice, the Lord of Skulls is BACK!

Goatboy here and Chapter Approved has me dusting off my Lord of Skulls. Here’s why.
As you know – if you’ve been reading my nonsense for awhile – I own 3 Lords of Skulls. I piloted them to a 5-1 showing at the last LVO I went too and while I had a ton of fun – 9th Edition was not too kind to them. Being dealt a low amount of Command points mixed with some of the mission issues meant my power Skull Daddies were left in their display case – silently weeping (for Khorne).
But Wait, Wait, Wait!
But maybe something has changed that lets my angry triple-tracked dream breathe again. The Chapter Approved sort of update came out and while most of it was somewhat… meh it did give a nice little nugget of rules by allowing a Super Heavy Detachment to get discounted by 2 CP if it matches the keywords for your warlord. For those wondering this means you can take 3 Lord of Skulls and as long as they sync up with your Warlord detachment it will only cost you 1CP. This is huge as it grants a bit more breathing room for CP usage as well as a chance I could play them again.
Let’s ROLL!
With that in mind – let’s throw out the list so you can check it out before Chaos gets nerfed some more with some kind of Core keyword nonsense and hatred of daemons being friendly with all things Chaotic in nature. I get the feeling as this last little FAQ update had changes to CSM – that a CSM book isn’t coming out anytime soon. I still think a Daemon book is most likely coming – but we’ll see. Enough pontificating about the future – let’s check out this dumb list.
Chaos Space Marine Patrol – 0CP
Legion – Iron Warriors
Lord Discordant – Mark of Khorne, Baleflamer, Relic – Talisman of Burning Blood, Warlord – Daemonsmith – 200pts
Master of Possession – Mark of Tzeentch, Psychic – Infernal Power Cursed Earth – 95pts
Chaos Cultists X 10 – 50pts
Chaos Daemon Patrol – -2CP
Bloodmaster – Relic (-1CP) – The Crimson Crown – 60pts
Bloodletters X 20 – Icon (Banner of Blood -1CP), Instrument – 185pts
-Super Heavy Detachment – -1CP
Legion – Iron Warriors
Lord of Skulls – Hades Gatling Cannon, Ichor Cannon – 465pts
Lord of Skulls – Hades Gatling Cannon, Ichor Cannon – 465pts
Lord of Skulls – Hades Gatling Cannon, Ichor Cannon – 465pts
PTS: 1985 CP: +7CP
Skull Tactics for the Skull Throne
Running this list is pretty simple – you are gonna burn some CP to throw the Bloodletters into the Warp and just get ready to sit on the edge throwing out some damage from your 3 Lords of Skulls that still hit on 2’s and hopefully reroll 1’s to hit and 1’s to wound. Shift out your Smite on your Tzeentch Master of Possession to get Warp time or something else interesting and hope your opponent has problems with big jerks throwing out that sweet damage at range.
Is it going to work too well? I am not sure. You got the combo to set up causing more hits on hit roll’s of a 6 off of the Lord Discordant mixed with more hits coming off wound rolls of a 6 from the Bloodmaster. As it has 12 shots hitting on a 2+ reroll ones should let you try to convert 12 or so hits to wounds. All those 6’s can generate another attack roll and your gatling cannon gets to somehow get 16 or so shots at a time. Throw one Lord of Skulls out as bait and use the criminally cheap Daemon Forge to reroll hits and wounds to be a pain in the butt. The Lord Discordant can also advance and charge, throw out some flames and get mixed into combat with the whole – Death to the False Emperor on unsuspecting Imperial jerks.
Or maybe it’ll just die to Ad-mech while vaguely understanding their rules – we’ll see. You can’t hide these giant bulldozers of doom so why not go big am I right?
Skulls for the Skull Throne!