Star Wars Armada: The Clones Attack With This Fleet

My fellow Admirals, let us try to build the Republic Fleet used in Attack of the Clones.
Star Wars Armada is firmly in the Clone Wars Era now and I’m loving it. With Two waves out, it’s finally time to start messing around with list building. I’ve made a lot of Rebel and Imperial lists in my day, but the Clone Wars factions are a new beast. I’ve been throwing out some list ideas over the past few weeks. Previously I looked at one based on the Republic Venators. This time around I wanted to focus on a different ship, coming up with a list that could represent a Republic Fleet from the start of the Clone Wars.
The Fleet
Getting Acclimated
Commander: Admiral Tarkin
Acclamator I-class Assault Ship (66 points)
– Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
– SPHA-T ( 7 points)
– Quad Laser Turrets ( 5 points)
– XX-9 Turbolasers ( 5 points)
– External Racks ( 4 points)
= 91 total ship cost
Acclamator I-class Assault Ship (66 points)
– Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
– SPHA-T ( 7 points)
– Quad Laser Turrets ( 5 points)
– XX-9 Turbolasers ( 5 points)
– External Racks ( 4 points)
= 91 total ship cost
[ flagship ] Acclamator I-class Assault Ship (66 points)
– Admiral Tarkin ( 30 points)
– Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
– SPHA-T ( 7 points)
– Quad Laser Turrets ( 5 points)
– XX-9 Turbolasers ( 5 points)
– Ordnance Pods ( 3 points)
= 120 total ship cost
Acclamator I-class Assault Ship (66 points)
– Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
– SPHA-T ( 7 points)
– Quad Laser Turrets ( 5 points)
– XX-9 Turbolasers ( 5 points)
– Ordnance Pods ( 3 points)
= 90 total ship cost
Points: 392/400
The Idea
Overall I think the Acclimator I is a pretty decent ship. While not super maneuverable, it is relatively robust and has decent firepower with a good mix of black and red dice. The idea here is to take a bunch of them and use them to get in close and smash enemy fleets up with really deadly attacks. While the fleet has no squadrons, I’ve taken some measures to counter enemy attacks. Acclimators Is already come with a good anti-squadron battery of 2 black dice. Quad-lasers helps to buff this by making it dangerous for the enemy to attack them, Ordnance Experts gives us lots of re-rolls and Ordnance Pods on a pair of them also help with anti-squadron firepower.
Acclimators are kind of close-range ships so I’ve decided to play around with putting SPHA-T’s on each one. This gives them a bit of a boost in long-range firepower, but can also be used at closer range to some effect. Since it can be fired out of front or side arcs the hope would be to fire this out of your side arc, keeping your front arc free and allowing for the ships to jump from throwing out 8 dice with two arcs, to 11 dice, and helping with their range deficiencies.
Two of the ships, which I will play a little more aggressively have external racks for an extra punch when needed. Tarkin helps get us a lot of extra tokens and seems pretty worth it now. XX-9 Turbolasers are likely the most iffy part of the list. While I think they can be good and this list can get pretty easy crits, there are a lot of decent Turbolaser upgrade options and I may try some others out. Overall I think this list has some interesting tools to be deadly against a variety of targets at many different ranges and I look forward to trying it out.
Let us know what you think of the list, down in the comments!