This Week’s Warhammer Products & Pricing CONFIRMED!

Return to the worlds of Warhammer with Age of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, and the Horus Heresy. Get ready for Games Workshop’s latest minis & games.
This week we head back to the pitch for Blood Bowl and see a new 30K character arrive. Age of Sigmar’s Dominion hits the shelves at long last!
All these items are up for pre-order July 3. Street date is July 10. (Dominion is out this weekend)
White Dwarf
White Dwarf 465 $9
Blood Bowl
Orge Team Pitch & Dugouts Set $47
Orge Team Card Pack $27
Orge Team Dice Set $15
Horus Heresy
Malgohurst the Twisted $TBD (@ $59, or $73)
Age of Sigmar (Dominion finally hits the shelves)!
Age of Sigmar Dominion $199
Age of Sigmar Core Book $65
Age of Sigmar Core Book Limited Edition $210
Age of Sigmar General’s Handbook 2021 $40
Age of Sigmar Path to Glory Diary $35
Age of Sigmar Realmscape Objectives $50
Age of Sigmar Combat Gauge $25
Age of Sigmar Ghurish Expanse $50
~Have at it!