Age of Sigmar: New Stormcast Eternals Rules Preview – Get Ready For The Thunderstrike

A new type of Stormcast Eternal is waging war in the Mortal Realms. Get ready for the era of the Thunderstrike with a rules preview!
They might be the posterboys of the game but that doesn’t make them soft. The Thunderstrike Stormcast Eternal are equipped with a new style of armor and some new tactics that we are getting a preview of today. And they are bringing the Dragons with them!
The Return of the Stormkeep
“The Stormcast Eternals still descend from the skies on bolts of lightning, as they have done since the Realmgate Wars, but new rules give these inspiring warriors the power to rally Cities of Sigmar forces to their cause.
You can represent this in-game by deciding if your army is a Scions of the Storm force – the thunderbolt-riding warriors we all know and love – or a more defensive Stormkeep army.”
You might recognize the Stormkeep army from their previous iteration. This army combined the Stormcasts with the Cities of Sigmar to form specialized garrisons. Well, those aren’t going away:
Furthermore, these Stormkeep style armies are really good at holding objectives. That makes sense considering they are there to defend areas that have already been claimed. The Shield of Civilisation rule helps to showcase that:
How about a look at an old favorite with a Command Trait? Staunch Defender is back and lives up to the name:
Here Come The Dragons
In case you missed the news, the Dracothians are back (aka Dragons). These two monsters are siding with the Stormcasts and they are bringing the pain! We’re getting our first look at a rule for Karazai today:
Yep – as this Dragon destroys enemy Heroes and Monsters he’s going to get better and better! Not only that, if he kills other units he also gets a benefit as well. Need him to regain some wounds? Go chomp on a squisher 2 or less wound unit.
These are just a few of the new things heading to the tabletop with the new edition of the Stormcast Eternal battletome. The golden boys of Sigmar have even more tricks up their metallic sleeves!
I just want to play with that dragon.