Classic 90s Board Game ‘Key To The Kingdom’ Remaster is “Coming Soon”

This streamlined dungeon-crawler-like game is what first got Yours Truly into board gaming and D&D!
It remains to this day one of my favorite board games. It’s so epically “nineties,” from the art style to the gimmicky mechanics, to the amazing commercial…
I will always take any opportunity to insert a retro TV ad.
If you’ve been hanging out in my board gaming corner of BoLS for the last (almost) 4 years, you might remember this isn’t the first time I’ve talked about Key to the Kingdom, as being My First (Real) Board Game. I still have my copy from when I was a wee lad. You can see it in the background of all the videos I make!
Restoration Games (quickly becoming one of my favorite publishers) announced in 2019 that they were releasing Key to the Kingdom the following year. But later that year, there was this whole thing that happened. But now that thing is mostly done and over with and we can get back to what’s important, like feeding my nostalgia.
Not much is known about this, other than a few snippets.
The new version of Key to the Kingdom features the classic “hole-in-the-board” mechanism to hop through portals and explore the Demon King’s domain.
As the kingdom’s not-so-mightiest heroes — Pitiless Pixie, Knovice Knight, Unique Unicorn, Merciless Mercenary, and Gnarled Gnome — you’ll go on adventures to gather the three pieces of the magic key, then hop through a portal to defeat the Demon King once and for all.
This new version gives players greater control over the whims of the dice. You’ll use your collection of items to tweak your rolls. But make sure you have the right item ready when you go on an adventure to give you an easier path through. You’ll get magic items and companions along the way as well. It also adds a new endgame in which you need to face a series of mini-challenges to win the game.
Like I said, not a whole lot to go off of, but it seems like there will be a fair amount of rules changes, but at least the folding board isn’t gone.
In case my internal monologue’s intonation isn’t properly translating through this bland serif typeface, I’m super excited! I will 100% be picking up a copy of this. “Soon” is not soon enough.
Thanks for reading!
Did you play Key to the Kingdom? Do you remember it at all? Or is it just me?