D&D: ‘In Scarlet Flames’ Is A Free 8th Level Adventure Inspired By MTG

The Red Wizards are up to no good in a free 8th level adventure WotC is releasing alongside their new Magic set, Adventures in the Forgotten Realms.
Perennial Faerunian villains the Red Wizards of Thay return to carry out their villainous schemes in the newest adventure from WotC, which is not one of the big planned adventures in the usual D&D schedule, but rather, as the first part of a free “substantial adventure” being released alongside the newest Magic: the Gathering set, Adventures in the Forgotten Realms.
The adventure, titled In Scarlet Flames is a rare 8th level adventure–and this is the first part of a multi-part adventure, so you know you’re in for some higher-tier fun. Especially since the Red Wizards are involved, and any time you bring spellcasters into an encounter, the game gets real fun. This is because DMs can swap around spell lists to make things seem a little more lively and personal. But let’s talk less about those, and more about the adventure.
We don’t want to spoil too much of it, but as this is the first of five planned adventures, we do want to say this adventure does a fantastic job of showing you how to set up a recurring villain. This is one of the most difficult things to do in D&D because, as you likely know, when you see a villain on the table/battlefield/theatre of the mind, in D&D, the overwhelming instinct to just paste that SoB is nigh-unignorable.
In Scarlet Flames knows this, and actually attempts to engage in Foreshadowing. And for the most part, it seems to work. It follows a slow build to a fight that, while it isn’t against the main villain, feels like a very satisfying end to a good episode. There are still more questions to be asked, but in the meantime, you get to have a fun battle with some Red Wizards.
And you absolutely cannot beat the price. Check it out today, you can find a link below.
Download In Scarlet Flame
Happy Adventuring!