Games Workshop Pre-Orders: ‘Pricing & Links’ – Blood Bowl Ogres Return

Blood Bowl’s Ogres are back with some dice and a new pitch to play on. Oh, and Age of Sigmar 3.0 is now available!
via Games Workshop
Blood Bowl Ogre Team Dice Set $15
Hungry for victory? This full set of Blood Bowl Ogre team dice look like they’re carved from a hearty slab of marbled steak, with a white swirl running through a rich red colour. The markings are picked out in cream inik, including an Ogre team icon on the six facing.
This set includes all of the dice you need to play:
– 3 Blood Bowl Block dice
– 2 6-sided dice with the Ogre team icon in place of the ‘6’
– 1 8-sided Blood Bowl Scatter Dice
– 1 16-sided dice
Blood Bowl Ogre Team Card Pack $27
Redesigned for the Second Season ruleset, this deck of 44 cards will help you keep track of stats and profiles for your team, positions, and Star Players – plus Special Play cards exclusively for use with Ogre teams.
This pack includes:
– 3 Player Reference cards for Gnoblar Linemen, Ogre Blockers, and Ogre Runt Punters
– 3 Star Player cards for Morg ‘n’ Thorg, Crumbleberry, and Grak
– 8 Miscellaneous Mayhem Special Play cards
– 8 Magical Memorabilia Special Play cards
– 21 Blank Player cards: 15x Gnoblar Linemen, 5x Ogre Blockers, and 1x Ogre Runt Punter
– The all-important card explaining how to use the cards, with a red card on the reverse
You’ll need a copy of Blood Bowl – The Official Rules to make full use of these cards.
Blood Bowl Ogre Pitch: Double-sided Pitch and Dugouts $47
Ogre stadia would be ruggedly handsome, nestled high up in the mountains as they often are, were it not for the bloodstains and craters full of picked-over bones. If you’re into that sort of thing, it’s extremely pretty. If not, they can be a little less than welcoming.
One side of this pitch features a barren, rocky field, dominated by a toothy ogre-faced pit filled with the remains of their last team, or meal, as they like to call it. The other side features the same pitch, but covered in snowfall after a winter blizzard, with some ominous red ‘markings’ for the End Zones…
You’ll also find a pair of matching double-sided dugouts to complete the theme. Redesigned for the latest edition of the game, each dugout features score, turn, and re-roll trackers, plus Reserves, Knocked-out, and Casualty boxes. Rules to use each side of the pitch are included.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book $65
The Age of Sigmar began with the thunderous arrival of the Stormcast Eternals, borne upon the heavenly storm of the God-King Sigmar Heldenhammer. They are great heroes, snatched up at the moment of death and magically reforged – these golden warriors are thrown into battle against all who would corrupt, decay, and destroy the Mortal Realms.
While Sigmar and his pantheon of Order strive for prosperity in these dark times, the Great Necromancer Nagash marshals the forces of Death in a bid to claim every last soul for his own. Meanwhile, Kragnos leads the wild forces of Destruction in a savage rampage across the civilised world, all while the Chaos Gods prepare to conquer the last uncorrupted bastions in a world of conflict and upheaval. This is a new epoch, a time of mighty battles and unending war. This is the Age of Sigmar!
The Age of Sigmar is an epic setting populated by myriad armies, powerful heroes, and magnificent monsters. It plays host to vast, realm-spanning wars between the forces of Order, Chaos, Death, and Destruction. In the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book, you’ll not only learn the rich history of this war-torn age, but you’ll also find all the rules you need to evoke these epic stories on the tabletop.
A New Season of Age of Sigmar has arrived!