Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Ork Squig-A-Geddon!

Goatboy here with my new Ork codex and that means it’s time for a crazy Squig army list!
This just screams Goatboy and I feel like I should think about building it, playing it, and probably winning a few games with it. I just love the idea of pure Aggression and this list oozes it with as many hard-hitting jerks as I can throw together into one huge list of Squigasaurs and ways to make them super punch things to oblivion. With that – let’s get on with my Orks of Goffy doom!
As you can figure out I want to do as many Squig things as I can in an army. This means I am limited to figuring out how to get 3 Squigasaur units, 3 units of regular Squig riders, 6 Nob riding Squigs, some Kill Rigs, and whatever other nonsense I can whip up. Let’s MSU this baby up with some angry jerks.
I think I will go Goff’s as they are the most aggressive of the Ork Kultur’s as you get exploding dice, extra strength, and a very simple paint scheme that shouts about how much I used to love Ska. I mean I still do – but it isn’t my life like it was back in my early high school days. Enough of the memory lane dump – let’s get to brewing.
Right now to get 3 in the army I need to go with 3 Patrols that lets me get 3 Giant Jerks to run forward. I think that is the basic need in my goat-addled brain – 3 rockets of grizzling flesh coming at you to steal all your candy.
Ork Patrol – 0CP
Kultur – Goff
Beastboss on Squigosaur – Relic – Beasthide Mantle, Warlord – Proper Killy – 145pts
Beastsnagga Boyz X 10 – 110pts
Squighog Boyz X 3 – Bomb Squig – 80pts
Deffkoptas X 3 – 150pts
Nob on Smasha Squig X 2 – 130pts
Kill Rig – Psychic – Frazzle, Spirit of Gork, Big Boss (-1CP) – Beastgob – 190pts
Ork Patrol – 2CP
Kultur – Goff
Beastboss on Squigosaur – Big Boss (-1CP) – Kunnin’ But Brutal, Relic (-1CP) – Cybork Body – 145pts
Beastsnagga Boyz X 10 – 110pts
Squighog Boyz X 3 – Bomb Squig – 80pts
Deffkoptas X 3 – 150pts
Kill Rig – Psychic – Frazzle, Squiggly Curse – 190pts
Ork Patrol – 2CP
Kultur – Goff
Beastboss on Squigosaur – Big Boss (-1CP) – Half Chewed – 145pts
Beastsnagga Boyz X 10 – 110pts
Squighog Boyz X 3 – Bomb Squig – 80pts
Deffkoptas X 3 – 150pts
PTs: 1965 CP: +5
Da Squig Tactiks
The idea here is to have a lot of squigs that go fast, hit hard, and can throw out a ton of damage. You have a ton of Characters that can take some punishment and dish it out. The DeffKoptas will be in reserves to jump down, throw some missiles out and then can get a sweet 3d6 charge if they need too. With the Goff setup they can hit pretty hard as well and help get Engage or some of the other movement-based objectives.
The 2 Kill Rigs are designed to push up with guys inside and hopefully be a pain to remove. I am tempted to get some kind of Painboss in there – but will see how this nonsense would work. It does have some decent shooting as needed and it isn’t a Rukkatruk build. That type of MSU build is coming later on when I look at a mixed clan army that will most likely come out of this as being the “best” with tons of options, objective secured jerks, and murder death for the enemy.