RPG: The New TSR Saga Ends – No More TSR’s

After a whirlwind few weeks the TSR saga has come to an end as the final TSR rebrands in a big way and misspells their new name in the process.
We started July with two companies known as TSR Games, and as of the 8th of July we have no companies known as TSR Games. After reminding the world that they existed, the most recent company to take up the TSR Mantle, founded by Justin LaNasa, Ernie Gygax Jr. and Stephen Dinehart has been swept up in a storm of controversy after an explosive interview led to a spate of doubling down and attacks on Twitter, deleted comments, and claims that Wizards of the Coast was behind a “coordinated attack” on them. The saga starts here.
But this most recent company has rebranded as of yesterday–but not before one of the founding members, Stephen Dinehart made a public post about “Twitter Breaking Up” with Wizards of the Coast because of… politics? You can see it below:
Now TSR Games or 3SR as some have taken to calling it, has rebranded themselves as Wonderfilled games, a company originally registered by Dinehart in Florida in 2018, but dissolved and reformed in Wisconsin a year later. However, according to the website for the Secretary of State for Wisconsin, this latest business is currently “Delinquent” as of April 1st this year.
But there’s no question that this is the company that used to be TSR Games up until yesterday. Here’s a look at their website, which is still TSR.games:
They are still promoting the upcoming RPG GiantLands, but they have also misspelled their own name as “Wonderfiled INC.” as of press time. All mention of a new Star Frontiers has also quietly been removed, leading many to speculate about the status of the rights to the game as the original is still on sale at DriveThruRPG…by Wizards of the Coast.
So the future looks like it’s up in the air for Wonderfilled Games. And not long after the other company formerly known as TSR Games rebranded itself. This is where the story ends. But as always, a new one is just beginning.