Star Wars: The Super Star Destroyer Breakdown

While your cruiser might be able to repel firepower of its magnitude, the Super Star Destroyer is still one of the deadliest ships out there.
The Empire was known for many things throughout its time. Terror. Subjugation. Taking the vast, immeasurable wealth of a galactic civilization and then… cutting corners at basically every turn. Even and especially when it comes to sharpshooter training for their basic troops.
But more than anything else, the Empire was known for ships big enough to blot out the sky of whatever planet they happened to be bombarding from orbit. And nothing embodies this so much as the class of ships known as Super Star Destroyers. Originally a Rebel Alliance term, Super Star Destroyer referred to any class of Imperial vessel larger than a Star Destroyer.
Well-Known Super Star Destroyers
Perhaps the best-known example of these is the Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts. These include the originating Executor, which is famed for serving as Darth Vader’s personal flagship. But during the time of the Battle of Endor, around 4ABY, the Empire was estimated to have more than a dozen of these Super Star Destroyers. That’s including the Annihilator, Arbitrator, Ravager, and Emperor Palpatine’s personal ship, the Eclipse. Of course, looking at the originating ship, it’s not hard to see why these vessels came to be known as Super Star Destroyers. They could do everything a Star Destroyer did – but exponentially greater.
The Executor outweighed and outmeasured other Star Destroyers, coming in at more than 19,000 meters long. It had a titanium-reinforced hull that could repel all but the most dedicated firepower. It took thirteen thrusters to get the vessel moving at speed, and the center of the hull was basically a city unto itself. And the arsenal it sported made it among the deadliest ships in the Imperial Navy.
Ship Weapons
It carried 750 twin-heavy turbolaser batteries, 1,000 turret-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries. There were also 100 twin battleship ion cannons, 125 assault concussion missile launchers, and 250 turret-mounted quad laser cannons. That’s enough firepower to level a city or break through a blockade. The escorting Star Destroyers were almost an afterthought at this point.
Other ships in the Executor-class boasted similar armaments, sporting an estimated 5,000 turbolaser batteries and ion cannon arrays per vessel. But for dealing with smaller craft, these Super Star Destroyers carried an immense complement of strike and fighter craft. The Executor maintained over 1,000 ships aboard its hangars. That’s including 144 TIE series starfighters, spread between Interceptors, Bombers, and TIE fighters. There are also more than 200 assault shuttles, transport shuttles, and support craft. *Deep inhale* Several Y-85 Titan drop-ships, a full suite of 24 AT-ATs, and 50 AT-STs are ready to deploy at a moment’s notice. And when needed, it has a pair of IM-455 modular garrisons.
A single Super Star Destroyer could subjugate an entire sector if crewed competently. Well, and if it’s kept away from A-Wings piloted by Arvel Crynyd.
May the Force be with you!