Warhammer 40K: Grey Knights Getting Some Upgrades – Rumors Ahead

Time to get your tinfoil hats out and bring that salt shaker. There are rumors of some Grey Knight upgrades doing the rounds.
So this one popped up on Reddit and was tracked back to a YouTuber. Apparently, someone sent him a copy of the Grey Knight datasheet from the upcoming new package of a Grey Knight Strike Squad. This datasheet had all the new weapon and units stats for the Grey Knights. Now, we don’t get to see the physical copy of these rules – but they are reasonable enough that they *could* be real. We’re still going to hold off on accepting these as factual until we get our own copy of said datasheet.
Standard Salt caveat applies here folks.
But for now, let’s see what all the hubbub is about.
- Grey Knight stat line the same except 2 wounds and 3 Attacks
- No change on Storm Bolter
- Incinerator 12″ Heavy D6 S6 AP-1 D1
- Psilencer: 24″ Heavy 6 S4 AP-1 D1
- Psycannon 24″ Heavy 3 S7 AP-1 D2
- Daemon Hammer Sx2 AP-2, D3
- Falchion S:U, AP-2, D1
- Halberd: S+2, AP-2, D2
- Sword: S+1, AP-3, D2
- Warding Stave: S+3, AP-1, D2
Now there is some theorizing on if the Grey Knights will get to keep their Shock Assault rule. I mean, they ARE Space Marines after-all. But with the bump in base attacks that could make for a very devastating army on the charge. In anycase, most of these weapon stats seem reasonable and in line with what we’ve already seen for other armies. We also don’t know what the other special rules will be for the unit as the assembly guides typically don’t list any other special rules – just base stats.
We might not have to wait too terribly long however. With Hexfire on the way plus a new codex, the Grey Knights are about to get some much needed attention…just not any Primaris Marines.
UPDATE: The rules leaked online – we’re updating the post below with those pictures.
Yep – looks like Grey Knights with 2 Wounds and 3 attacks base.
Those weapon stat changes do look accurate as well! Grey Knight updates here we go!
What do you think of these rumors? Reasonable? Probable? Wish-listing? Let us know in the comments!