Warhammer 40K: How ‘Book of Fire’ Changes the Game – FTN

The Book of Fire breaths a little life into an underutilized Sisters Faction and also gives us a chance to revisit some of the Chaos factions and relics.
Hey all,
We spend a little more time between the covers of this book and later in the show we bring back the hobby segment – this one is about starting new projects!
I know we focus a lot on the competitive or efficient side of things most of the time and that means we often don’t pay enough attention to the sub-factions and groups that don’t allow us to chase that efficiency. These campaign books typically come with a few extra rules, sometimes with the tradeoffs and restrictions, that give us an opportunity to take another look at these factions.
In the case of Our Martyred Lady this might give them a little bit of a shove to get them on the table. What do you think? The same can be said for Chaos. Not in so much that they have new rules but has ‘what is required’ changed enough with the new releases to make some things we had overlooked before a lot more viable?
In the second half of the show we ooh and ahh over the previewed new models. Yum!
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Paul Murphy – Host
Adam Camileri
Red Powell
Justin Troop – troopsmash
Christopher Morgan – captain morgan
Ricky Addington
Josh Ginn