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Warhammer 40K: ‘Octarius’ Kill Team Preview – Ork Kommandos & Death Korps Minis

3 Minute Read
Jul 10 2021
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More Kill Team News in the Octarius Sector! New Ork Kommandos, Death Korps minis on the way!

Games Workshop kicked things off with their explosive new trailer for Kill Team. Which, if you missed it, check it out:


Kill Team

There’s a new boxed set for the new Edition! It’s full of amazing ork terrain, new miniatures and everything you need to dive right into the new Kill Team.

Ork Kommandos

One half of the Ork Kommandos up close…many you might recognize them from the trailer above.


And here’s the other half of the Ork Kommandos! Man, these models look just plain awesome and orky-fun!

Ork Kommando Nob

Ork Breacha Boy


Slasha Boy

Bomb Squig & Kommando Grot

Death Korps of Krieg

The Death Korps of Krieg are back – and in plastic! Perfect for your Kill Team.


Sergeant Veteran

Zealot Veteran

Hardened Veteran

Medic Veteran


All The Terrain!


Yep! This is an awesome looking boxed set. It’s available “while stocks last” – but the contents will be available at a later date.


Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer 40K: Five Things We Hope To See For 'Octarius' Preview