Warhammer 40K: The Unbeatable List – Lone Star Open 2021 Edition

Goatboy here to talk about the innovative 40K list that went all the way at the LSO 2021.
I went to the LSO this past weekend in Texas – end up 4-2 and had a great time. The hall was great, the Frontline Crew put on a great show, the Judging was perfect, and overall it was an excellent event as usually from the Frontline crew. Seriously the hotel was super nice, rates for the rooms were super low, the area had a ton of food with a grocery store, and the hall was huge. It sounds like it did well enough for Frontline so will see it again.
But enough waxing poetically on having a nicely run event let’s talk about the event itself. Frontline tried something new with Player Placed terrain. I liked it even though it took some time to get all the pieces in the right place but it worked. I was able to get enough line of sight blocking to be alright most games with my Death Guard. I think I went once during all my 6 games and didn’t feel like it was a hamper – bar the one game versus Ad Mech that showed me how rough that codex is (GW this needs to be looked at for reasons other sites wrote a better opinion about with maths and stuff). I played 6 games, never ran out of time, and had a blast even in my 2 losses. I did do the dirty beatdown to Frankie from Frontline games on stream so if you guys want to see DG kill a ton of Sisters check it out.
The top two lists were from some well-known players. You have Sean “Craftworld Messiah” Nayden and his Eldar stuff versus John “Imperium Daddy” Lennon and his Sisters of Battle. I think he referred to them as Jake’s Sisters as the list was based off of his teammate’s build at the Art of War. I watched a bit of it when I got home and it seems like a pretty grueling match between the two players that went down to the end with time running out for Sean and John was able to pull it out. You read it right – no Admech in the top two and the sorta newest codex on the block talking it in the end.
The Unbeatable List – John Lennon
Here is John’s list as it resembles the good ole MSU style Sisters that can play the missions. The Saint and the Vahl run the jewels in these games wrecking shop as needed.
Adepta Sororitas
Patrol – 0CP
Order Convictions – Bloody Rose
-No Force Org-
Repentia Superior – Relic – Litanies of Faith – 40pts
Morvenn Vahl – Warlord – 265pts
Battle Sisters X 5 – 55pts
Sisters Repentia X 8 – 112pts
Sisters Repentia X 8 – 112pts
Zephyrim X 5 – 90pts
Zephyrim X 5 – 90pts
Outrider Detachment – -3CP
Order Convictions – Ebon Chalice
Celestine & Geminae Superior – 200pts
Celestian Sacresants X 9 – 131pts
Dogmata – Relic – The Sigil Ecclesiasticus, Warlord Trait – Terrible Knowledge – 65pts
Dominon Squad X 5 – Artificier-crafted Storm Bolter X 4 – 80pts
Dominon Squad X 5 – Artificier-crafted Storm Bolter X 4 – 80pts
Seraphim Squad X 5 – 4 X Ministorum Hand Flamers – 90pts
Seraphim Squad X 5 – 4 X Ministorum Hand Flamers – 90pts
Retributor Squad X 5 – Armor Cherub X 2, Multi-melta X 2, Ministorum Heavy Flamer X 2 – 130pts
Retributor Squad X 5 – Armor Cherub X 2, Multi-melta X 2, Ministorum Heavy Flamer X 2 – 130pts
-Dedicated Transport-
Sororitas Rhino – 80pts
Sororitas Rhino – 80pts
Fortification – 0CP
Battle Sanctum – 80pts
Pts: 2000 CP: 7
Army Checklist
Movement tricks – Yes
MSU – Yes
Ways to do damage to big blobs – Yes
Hard hitting assault options – Yes
FAF – Yes
Mortal Wound capabilities – Yes
How It Works
See how all of these things are seeming to be the new way to get “good” armies in 40k? Can you see how Orks are falling into this line as well – but in a different set to tweaks? Oh and with Player Placed terrain you can make sure your giant LOS blocking, Faith Point generating, Leadership helping, and an unbased building can start to be really good? I like the list a lot as it gives you so many ways to play the game and have chances to win. It can swing and hit hard, move well enough, and just let you always have a feeling you could win the game.
Big congrats to John for winning it. The army also looked pretty dang good on the tabletop with an amazing conversion for the Saint based on the new AOS monster-hunting Sigmar Marine. I thought about it as well and it is awesome to see it on the tabletop. Big congrats to Sean as well. He played another version of his Eldar list with a lot meaner set of no LOS shooting to help beat up on Ad-mech all day. It seems to be the key to the match-up is hiding away from their dangerous firepower with options to obliterate big blobs with massed damage.
~Congrats to John, and what do you think of the list?