Warhammer: Age of Sigmar 3.0 Launch Day Celebration Reveals

Did you think Dominion was the only new stuff on the way? It’s even more Warhammer: Age of Sigmar! Come see what’s on the way.
In a shocker to no one, we’ve got even more models on the way from Games Workshop for Age of Sigmar. Who’s up first? Who do you think!?
More Stormcast Eternals
All of the new kits are Multi-part plastic kits so you’ll be able to have a bit more flexibility out of these new kits.
Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos
Multi-part Plastic Annihilators
More Kruleboyz
Marshcrawla Sloggtha
Spears or Hackas
Man-Skewer Boltboyz
Swampboss Skumdrekk
Can be built as a hero or as a more generic leader.
New Battletomes!
Orruk Warclans includes Ironjawz, Kruleboyz, Bonesplittaz and the lot.
What a Launch Day! What are you excited about?