40k Cosplay: Inquisitor Halc’n Gravis of the Ordo Malleus is Out for Justice

There’s a new Inquisitor in town- and he’s out for Blood… And Heresy. Let’s take a look at this 40k Inquisitor Cosplay!
It’s a hard job routing out the heretics and cleansing that which is unclean… but someone has to do it. The inquisition is BACK!
Ok, ok… Not THAT inquisition. It is the time of those who work in the name of the holiest God-Emperor of Mankind… And do so gladly. The Imperial Inquisition’s Inquisitors are the secret police, the highest-ranking officials given license to perform any deed necessary to secure the Imperium of Man. Today we celebrate the success of such a hero, Halc’n Gravis of the Ordo Malleus. This epic and fierce cosplay from Fred of Fred and Elle Designs is here to save the galaxy from the taints of Chaos. Let’s take a look at this 40k Inquisitor Cosplay!
Fred and Elle Designs
Fred and Elle Designs Facebook
The weak will always be led by the strong. Where the strong see purpose and act, the weak follow; where the strong cry out against fate, the weak bow their heads and succumb. There are many who are weak; and many are their temptations. Despise the weak for they shall flock to the call of the Daemon and the Renegade. Pity them not and scorn their cries of innocence – it is better that one hundred innocently fall before the wrath of the Emperor than one kneels before the Daemon.
The Daemon has many forms. You must know them all. You must tell the Daemon from his disguise and root him out from the hidden places. Trust no-one. trust not even yourself. It is better to die in vain than to live an abomination.
The zealous martyr is praised for his valour: the craven and the unready are justly abhorred.
Know this adept, for your journey, has been long and you are to be trusted as few will ever be. Psykers represent Humanity’s future, the ideal creature into which mankind will evolve; a more powerful, more intelligent, and more capable life form. As yet this race is weak, its members lacking the mental strength needed to face the dangers of the psychic universe. Were the new race of psykers permitted to develop free and unprotected, the whole of Humanity would soon be destroyed. We few who are privy to this truth have guarded it selflessly for nigh on four millennia, since the end of the great schism from which our order was born. It is our sole concern, for the very future of our race depends upon us, and us alone.
Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand realize that you have no right to let them live!
So great has been the calamitousness of these times, and such the inveterate malice of the heretics, that there has been nothing ever so clear in our statement of faith, nothing so surely settled, which they, at the instigation of the enemy of the human race, have not defiled by some sort of error. For which cause the holy Inquisition hath made it Its especial care to condemn and anathematise the principal errors of the heretics of our time, and to deliver and teach the true and Imperial doctrine; even as It has condemned, anathematised, and decreed.
There is no place for the weakwilled or hesitant. Only by firm action and resolute faith will mankind survive. No sacrifice is too great. No treachery too small.
Spirit of noxious immateria, be gone from hence, for as the Emperor of Mankind, manifold be his blessings, watches over me, so I will not fear the shadow of the warp…
Who are you to second-guess the will of the Emperor? His plans are for Him and Him alone to know. It is enough for us to know that his grand designs for the galaxy unfold as he has foreseen, and the colossal arrogance displayed by those who claim to act in his name is both dangerous and tantamount to heresy.
The rewards more than outweigh the risks should we succeed. Imagine it! The Emperor reborn and walking amongst his people as a living god. Who can say such a thing is wrong?
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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