40K’s Mystery Codexes, D&D 3-Player Parties & Tiamat, Star Wars’s Xyston Star Destroyer

We have 40K’s mystery codexes, D&D 3-player parties & Tiamat breakdown, Star Wars’s crazy Xyston Star Destroyer, plus Suicide Squad’s Polka-dot Cat!
Warhammer 40K: We Need to Talk About ‘Submarining’ to Victory
Adam here to discuss one of the thorny issues going on in competitive 40k – submarining to victory.
D&D: How To Build A Party With Three Or Fewer Players
What do you do when adventure calls but your party only has a handful of adventurers willing to answer it? Here’s how to build a smaller party.
D&D: Playing Against The Grain While Still Playing The Game
We’ve all been there, the party is playing a bunch of detectives, but all you want is to play John Cena. Here’s how you can make it work.
‘The Suicide Squad’s Polka-Dot Man Has a Polka-Dot Cat
One of the perks of being a member of The Suicide Squad: a tailored costume for your rescue cat so it can be a mini you.
Warhammer 40K: Two New Codexes For December – It’s Prediction Time!
Who’s going to get a new codex in December? We don’t know but we have a few guesses we’d like to throw out there!
D&D: An Adventurer’s Guide To Tiamat
With Fizban’s Treasure of Dragons around the corner, the time has come to look at one of the most ferocious dragons of them all… the five-headed Tiamat.
Star Wars: The Ship That Nearly Killed A Franchise, The Sith Eternal’s Xyston-class Star Destroyer Breakdown
Lets take a look at the Emperor’s ultimate and final weapon, a ship so crazy it nearly sunk Star Wars. Look at the Xyston-class Star Destroyer.