Age of Sigmar: New Gryph Rules Teased And Rated By…Cuteness?

Games Workshop is showing off a bunch of the new Gryph rules and also rating them by their cuteness level.
The Stormcast Eternals are heading to the tabletop with a new Battletome and whole new batch of units – including a bunch of Gryphs. Today, we’re getting a tease at their rules and also a look at how GW is rating various “stats” of theirs – including cuteness. Here we go!
“Here at Warhammer Community, we are experts on all things fluffy, so we put our heads together to bring you our very accurate ratings of a few of these wonderful boys and girls.”
Stormstrike Chariot Gryph-Chargers
This is a new unit coming with the new Battletome and I’m actually intrigued by this new chariot. It looks like a double threat with both a ranged and close combat warrior – plus a pair of extra beefy gryph-chargers pulling them. I’ve got a funny feeling this is going to crash into the enemy lines like a freight train. And we’ve got some evidence to back that up:
Vanguard Pallador Gryph-chargers
Not a new unit but this does confirm their special rule again. It’s still pretty good, too!
The Vanguard-Palladors can move to pretty much wherever they want. And don’t forget about their crossbows – perfect for plinking away at the enemy and causing problems.
Knight-Judicator’s Gryph-hounds
These gryph-hounds run in a pack with a Knight-Judicator. What makes them even better is their Warning Cry ability:
Talk about Overwatch – that’s a free round of shooting for three Stormcast Eternals units! That’s one way to keep the enemy from getting too close using a special reserve or summon rule.
Gryph-hound Pack
What’s better than a Grpyh-hound? How about six! That’s what you’ll get when you run with a pack of them. You’ll also get their Darting Attacks ability which is a great way for them to get in and out of combat:
Regardless of what you think of these Gryph’s cuteness levels, their rules are looking promising. We’ll have to wait and see what else these good boys and girls are bring to the tabletop when their new Battletome drops soon.
I don’t know if we brought enough gryph-hound treats for this…