‘Avatar Legends’ Is Now The Biggest RPG On Kickstarter

Not even three days into its campaign, Avatar Legends: The RPG has surpassed all other tabletop RPGs on Kickstarter, and it seems the sky is the limit.
Avatar: Legends The Roleplaying Game has unseated the former kings of Kickstarter, raising $2.9 MILLION, not even three full days into its campaign, making it the largest tabletop RPG campaign on the crowdfunding platform.
Avatar Legends breaks records previously held by Strongholds & Followers, the campaign by Matt Colville to create a “domain-level” expansion for 5th Edition D&D (as well as a ton of streaming equipment and miniatures by the end of it) which managed to raise $2,121,465 over the course of its 30-day run. Avatar Legends has surpassed that in two days, and at press time still had 28 to go on its campaign.
With a campaign set to continue through September 2nd, that means there’s still plenty of time to unveil new stretch goals, develop new accessories, and find new ways to reward backers as they continue to invest in the upcoming game. So far, Avatar Legends has a laundry list of stretch goals, including a pack of Avatar-themed journals to use for campaign notes and player sheets, a new adventure, NPC stats for Azula, Tenzin, Katara, Suki, Asami, and more–and at press time, several new Playbooks which you can read about below.
This is a huge draw for an RPG framework that isn’t 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. The popularity of Avatar: the Last Airbender will likely introduce fans throughout the world to roleplaying that isn’t d20 based, as Avatar Legends is Powered by the Apocalypse, meaning it’s framed around rolling 2d6 and adding a number based on whatever stats or moves you’re trying to do. It’s a different framework from the more combat-focused D&D, so it’ll be interesting to see how folks react and adapt the game and what changes a big success like this mean for the industry at large.
Is this a chance for games other than D&D to claim more than a sliver of the playerbase? Historically there’s D&D, a very wide margin of D&D, and then other games that make up a much smaller piece of the RPG audience pie. Could Avatar Legends help change that? We’ll have to wait and see. For now, take a look at the Playbooks that have been unlocked.
The Adamant, a new PDF playbook! A unique archetype that expands the characters players can create in their game. The Adamant will fix the world, even if it means breaking all the rules. Play the Adamant if you want to contend with what “doing right” means in a complicated world.
The Pillar, a new PDF playbook! A unique archetype that expands the characters players can create in their game. The Pillar is an experienced team player and representative of an established group. Play the Pillar if you want to be a savvy tactician who binds the team together.
The Elder, a new PDF playbook! A unique archetype that expands the characters players can create in their game. The Elder has spent many years living and learning, making mistakes and growing from them. Play the Elder if you want to teach (and be taught by) your companions.
The Razor, a new PDF playbook! A unique archetype that expands the characters players can create in their game. The Razor was cruelly hardened into the perfect implement of their masters’ goals…until they broke free. Play the Razor if you want to resist the nature others pushed upon you.
The Destined, a new PDF playbook! A unique archetype that expands the characters players can create in their game. The Destined has been touched by something beyond spiritual and otherworldly. Play the Destined if you want to pit your free will against the strange fate chosen for you.
The Foundling, a new PDF playbook! A unique archetype that expands the characters players can create in their game. The Foundling is the child of two cultures, belonging to both but not at home in either. Play the Foundling if you want to synthesize the lessons and traditions of your heritage.
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