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Cosplay: What Do You Get When You Combine Amazons with Amazon Boxes?

3 Minute Read
Aug 4 2021
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You get a really creative cosplay inspiration, that’s what! Check out these Amazon Box Warrior Cosplays!

Most folks have heard of the Amazons. Legendary female warriors notorious for their fierceness in battle and their unparalleled athletic prowess. With their strong stances and epic stories of their adventures, the stories of Amazons have reached to mythology across the globe, of many different cultures.


Throughout history, there have always been such fearsome female warriors. It is not strange at all to see these characters capture the hearts of musicians, poets, and artists across the ages. Something mysterious and captivating about the Amazons strikes the most creative of imaginations, sparking the flames of creation.


In modern times, Amazons have inspired many movies about their battles and adventures. From Wonder Woman to Tomiris, Deathstalker to Barbarian Queen, all have been inspired by the mythical warriors.



But what happens when you cross the epic Amazon Warriors with… Amazon Boxes? You get one imaginative and unique set of cosplay images! Such a cross happened recently with CosmicAshStudios, who presented a set of Amazon Box Warrior Cosplays. The results are hilarious, fierce, and entirely unique.


Amazon Box Warriors

Costumes: CosmicAshStudios


Models:  Miranda_RunsWithWaves, orlowskiangelika,  tonia2313


“Once before now I travelled to Phrygia where the vines grow, and there I saw a host of Phrygian men with their quick horses… I too was numbered among them on the day when the Amazons came, women the equal of men.” -Homer, The Iliad



“There was the origin of the Amazonian invasion of Athens, which would seem to have been no slight or womanish enterprise. For it is impossible that the Amazons should have placed their camp in the very city, and joined battle close by the Pnyx unless, havintg first conquered the country around about, they had thus with impunity advanced to the city.” -Plutarch, Life of Theseus




“That they encamped there is certain, and may be confirmed by the names that the places thereabout yet retain, and the graves and monuments of those that fell in the battle… For indeed we are also told that [a number] of the Amazons [who[ died were buried there in the place that is to this time called Amazoneum.” -Plutarch, Life of Theseus



~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~


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Author: Jennifer Larsen
  • 'Star Wars' Cosplay: Lando Calrissian and the Return of Colt 45