D&D Accessories: Paladin Swag

Being right all of the time is hard work, so if you’re your group’s paladin, why not treat yourself and your character to some Paladin specific D&D goodies?
The paladin is a little tank, a little healer, and almost always the self proclaimed moral compass of your party, and this week’s D&D accessories are just for them. As always, links to listings or shops are in the item titles.
Paladin Helm Dice
It’s always impressive to see what people can fit into a set of standard dice. In this case, there’s an entire golden paladin helm in each die. The gold on gold gives an air of ‘better than you’ and godliness while the clear resin brings it together with a very pretty neatness. Everything about this dice set yells “paladin” to me and reminds me of every paladin I’ve ever played D&D with.
Paladin Smite Shirt
This was effectively the catch phrase of my last D&D group’s paladin, and I bet it’s yours, too. Every member of your group has something they’re adding to the dynamic, and for the paladin it’s probably that sweet holy smiting power. Whether you’re the one living that smite life or someone in your adventuring party is, this shirt is perfect for the paladin at your table.
Dice Vault
These simple dice vaults are some of my personal favorites. They only hold once set of dice unlike your favorite humongous dice bag, but for those of us with go to dice for every individual character, vaults like this are the perfect way to keep that specific set secure and ready for your next game session. The wood box is strong and durable and features a very paladin appropriate shield and sword motif, while the double earth magnet closures will keep your dice from escaping and rolling around the inside of your game bag.
Paladin Game Notebook
Even if your notes only consist of lists of who you tried to vs. who you succeeded at smiting that day, every adventurer should have a place to write down a few key notes from their sessions. This particular notebook has a helm, axe, and shield motif with a decorative gold border and faux lock design as well as personalization options for you or your character’s name. Inside there are a ton of D&D specific pages to help you keep track of your character, adventures, items, armor, and anything else you may need.
Shield Box And Rolling Tray
This is one of the those D&D accessories where function and aesthetic meet right in the middle. This box is big enough for lots of dice, minis, and whatever other items you’ll need to bring to the table, AND it acts as a dice rolling tray during game play time. The shield design is spacious and incredibly on brand for the paladin at your table, but they have other weapon options if everyone at your table needs one.
Does the paladin in your party need any D&D swag just for them? Will any of our picks make it onto your wish list? What themed D&D accessories would you like to see for your character’s class? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!