Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Ork Deff Dreads of Destruction!

Goatboy here and did you see how cheap Ork Dreadnoughts are? Let’s get army building my fellow Meks!
Also – did you see how you can buy 3 in a single unit and they all act independently from each other? So this means I could do 9 Dreadnoughts for not a ton of points and have a clanking wave of nonsense that I push towards my opponent while I giggle maniacally. Have you figured out what I plan on writing up for this week’s army list?
Enough chatter – lets see what I can put together and make work. Or make not work as this is a pretty goofy list full of models most people won’t go out and buy 9 of.
Right now I am looking at a mob of close combat nonsense as their shooting doesn’t do as much as you want. This gives you a 7 attack dreadnought with Ramshackle and a bad attitude. The starting attack is 3 plus you give it 4 dread klaws. I think I will go with Goff’s as it gives me another point of strength on the charge as well as exploding 6’s when I get mixed in.
Da Deff Dread Mob
Ork Battalion- 0CP
Kultur – Goffs
Warboss in Mega Armor – Warlord – Might is Right, Relic – Da Krushin Armor – 115pts
Big Mek with Kustom Force Field – 85pts
Big Mek with Kustom Force Field – 85pts
Kommandos X 10 – Bomb Squig – 105pts
Kommandos X 10 – Bomb Squig – 105pts
Nob with Waagh Banner – Warlord (-1CP) – Big Gob, Relic (-1CP) – Da Dad Shiny Shoota – 70pts
Boyz X 10 – Big Choppa – 95pts
Boyz X 10 – Big Choppa – 95pts
Boyz X 10 – Big Choppa – 95pts
Deff Koptas X 3 – 150pts
Deff Koptas X 3 – 150pts
Deff Koptas X 3 – 150pts
Deff Dreads X 3 – DreadKlaws X 12 – 255pts
Deff Dreads X 3 – DreadKlaws X 12 – 255pts
Deff Dreads X 3 – DreadKlaws X 12 – 255pts
Pts: 198o CP: 10
Deff-tastic TacTiks!
This is a pretty simple list as you utilize the Waaagh banner to have your Dreads hit with a 2+ in combat. I set up to get his Aura out to 9 inches so it can cover a lot of bodies and then you have 2 Big Meks that can fix, throw down banners if needed, and give a 6+ inv save. You have enough CP to do the 5+ if you need to for a bit. The Kommandos are there to give some push back and give some needed damage. The 2 bomb Squigs could be fun to wreck some things as needed.
The Warboss just looks cool as hell running around with other robots. I think the Deff Koptas look to be a lot of fun and having 3 sets allows you to Deep strike them in, get some points for engage, and get a chance to use and abuse their 3d6 charge strat. They also have a decent amount of missiles they can throw down to do some damage too. The Boyz are basically there as bodies to do some of the missions, move around the Dreads, and soak up some firepower. I am sure you can go Evil Suns as you want things to move faster or look at Freebootas to try and chain a bunch of pluses to hit when you kill things in combat.